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" I don't want to be a burden for you Xander please understand, there is no future for you with me"

I said with tears streaming down my face, I know I was breaking my own heart but it doesn't hurt any less, he became my happiness, he made me feel normal and beautiful but I can't burden him like this, he needs to be free

"Allow me to decide that for myself Bella I love you please don't push me away, I can't leave without you I'm on my knees please, you can't do this to me you just can't show me happiness and just snatch it away that's just cruel of you Bella"

he sobbed and hugged my legs tighter, it was getting harder to breathe and he wasn't making this easy, I love him with all my heart but this is for his own good, why doesn't he get it, he will have to take my everywhere and help me with everything, I know he will get tired of it I just know it and I can't live with myself knowing I was a burden to him, I refuse to be a burden my family is enough

WELL this chapter isn't very long and I promise the first chapter will be longer than this just give me a chance, tell me your honest opinion after reading, if u don't wanna comment fine just send me a message, I'm in need of advice
Lots of love and hugs
Muna 😘

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