A/N Q And A

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Yeah, I know people are looking for a new chapter, but @Dorothy4205 (Go check out their art book they drew fan art of MY art and its great! Ps please draw more Dorthy!)was super nice and wanted this, and it my birthday so SCREW IT!

1:  Do you use a drawing tablet? If you do use one what kind?

I do indeed! The brand is called Wacom and I have one that is just for drawing manga and comics. Although the program that comes with it I havev't figured out how to mkae comics yet.

So I just use Sketchbook app(one with the red backround on its icon) and its totlayy free to use if you want to try it! It's real simple and works real great!

2: How old are you?

I would prefer not to say. Ironic as today is my birthday. 

3: What inspired your art?

Well, I used to just draw whatever, but when I first started drawing fan art for my favorite book, "Half upon a time" by James Riley(Its amazing please read. There's fan art in it in my art books.)I kinda just...clicked with it. So i started drawing fan art and less original.

Voltron mainly inspires me. Voltron is actually how I met my best friends! Let me know if you want me to write that story on my profile one day.

4: Favorite animal or colour?

Animals is a hard one. I love ladybugs, cuz of Miraculous. My favorite color is yellow.

5:  How life?

I actually wanted to talk about this:

I used to be a very depressed bean, and tried to do something really bad to myself twice. But the fact that I didn't helped me get better.

My life has been amazing. I have all A's in my classes, which is amazing because this is my first time in years of being a public school student! I have more friends than I've ever had or thought I'd have.

And of course, my writing! Fan fiction has given me more confidence I've ever had! The fact that so many people like my books is amazing! Hell, I met someone one of my first days of school, that had read my first Voltron fic, "No space between us"! That was one of the ebst days I've ever had!

So yeah! My life is very wonderful right now. I want to thank everyone who helped me get here.

Thanks again for the Q and A request! I'm open to more of these!

Also, suggestions for the book are still open!

Now, I'm going to go enjoy my big day! Bye!

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