Chapter Five

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I stormed away from Yoongi and left him with a startled look on his face, though he made no attempt to come after me. He knew better. But eventually you realize in life that everything comes with a price. And some choces you make, whether good or bad, may have a positive or negative outcome. My hartbeat quickened, leaving m dead in my tracks to focus on nothing but my inner thoughts.

There's another corpse advancing on me. I'll be okay. I have my squirt gun. Wait a second- No I won't. I can't use it. I won't use it. I refuse. Come on, Sarah, move! Don't just stand there like an idiot!

But I can't. I stand in the same place, frozen, just awaiting my death. "I'm sorry Minji!" are the only words I hear from Yoongi as he lunges in front of me and is tackled by a hungry, and extremely fast, corpse.

"Yoongi!" I scream in fear, reaching for my squirt gun. My hands were shaking. The gun seemed lighter than usual. That's when I realized there was a small crack on the side and it's contents were spilling. I must've sat on it wrong when I clipped it onto my pants.

I couldn't waste another second though. I had no more tim in my life that I wanted to lose, I decided. So, I quickly kicked the corpse off of Yoongi. I threw my gun aside next to Yoongi's unmoving body. Grabbing his gun from his belt loop, I looked up coming face to face with the creature itself.

We both sat there, observing each other. It looked so human like, but it's flesh was rotting and peeling, and it's clothes were ripped and soiled. The mouth on it was hanging open. It breathed eerily on my face. It breath surprisingly hot. There was saliva dripping down it's chin, out of his toothless mouth. The thing was hideous.

I attempted to make a move, but I was too slow. Why are these things so fast? I'm pushed aside by the corpse, but quickly recover. I sidestep it and shoot it straight in the chest with the chlorinated water. The corpse falls to the ground, lifeless. Well, more lifeless than it was before, I guess. Whatever though. It was finally dead.

I drop the gun and stare at my hands dripping with water. I did it. I killed the corpse. I know it was attacking me, but I still fought it back. That doesn't make me any better. Now I feel like I'm the monster.

I decide to put that thought aside because now there is only one thing on my mind. Yoongi. I slide on my knees next to him. Slightly shaking him, his eyes flutter open and closed. Without thinking, I press my lips onto his forehead, right between his eyebrows. He's alive.

Just as I thought that, Yoongi's eyes snapped open. "What did I miss?" he coughed out.

I manage a small laugh. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask worriedly, ignoring his question. He glances at the ground next to me, noticing the corpse and it's shiny flesh, due to the water clearly showing on it. He smirks as if just realizing what I had done.

"You did it," he smiles. "I knew you could." He touches his forehead. "Why is my head damp?" I blush, remembering when I kissed his head. He shakes his head, ignoring it. "All you needed was someone to make you believe it yourself." Instead if annoying me, this actually brings a smile to my face as well.

"You're insane."

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