If you are wondering

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- Caroline and Minhyuk have been married for about four week
- Caroline is 19 and you may be wondering how is she a senior
In college well let's just say she's a smarty pants
- Caroline wakes up at 6:00 in the morning every day to make breakfast
- Minhyuk does't know that you are the one who makes the breakfast he think that the maids makes it
- Caroline is gonna start working as her oldest brother's assistant
In the company onto she graduates from college
Peniel is the Vice President of the company
- Minhyuk is the CEO of the company
-Peniel and Minhyuk belong to a K-pop group call BtoB
-When you And Minhyuk got married the  two companies became one huge company
-Caroline is studying fashion design
-Caroline's mother owns a fashion design company
- When Caroline graduates she's gonna take over the company
- Caroline is gonna work 3 times a week with her mom and 2 with her brother

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