Day 20 Journal & Interview

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An interview with Subject-0679 was conducted. At first, they seemed tired and apathetic at the questions asked of them, but then there was a lapse into anger and it only seemed to grow as more questions followed.

Interview went as followed:

"How are you feeling?"


"How hungry would you say you are?"

"Pretty hungry."

"Why are you refusing the food that is given to you?"

"Because it won't help anything." *Subject-0679's mouth turned downward into a snarl*

"Why is that?"

"...Are you f***ing kidding me?" *Subject-0679 became confused*


"You all serious haven't f***ing figured it out, yet?"

"What are you referring to?"

"That I need blood to be fed properly!" *Subject-0679 slammed their fist into the table they were sitting at* "FOR F*** SAKE YOU ALREADY DID THIS TWO F***ING TIMES, YOU F***ING IDIOTS!!!"

Subject-0679 became hostile and trashed their holding cell, flipping the table and chair and kicking/punching at the walls. Finally, they flipped their bed, and were distracted by tearing up the mattress when personnel administered sedatives and amnesiacs.

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