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I wake up wondering why im still on this damn earth. As i get up for school with this erection i ask myself do i want to masturbate, if i do i wont be stressed out. so putting my clothes on with a hard dick and im just so happy because im going to see my baby today.

So im waiting on the bus stop with my best friend asia im telling her me and mom got into it again. She just like damn wtf.

Finally the bus gets here. I hate riding this damn bus because its yellow and the bus driver is a bitch. We all get on the bus with attitudes cause we hate school. But im not I seen my boyfriend lendell. I hurry up and sit next to him before any one else does. "Hey babe he sais". Hey lendall baby. I miss you says lendall give a kiss (they kiss). Whats the matter kimani????? me and my mother keep getting into fights. Thats not good boo. I know baby. Kimani you cant keep getting into fights with her. I thought to myself for a moment. Then I realized that I didnt want to stay with my mom any more and the only way I could leave that house was to try and convince her to least me live with my dad that I never met.

"Good morning Kimani" kimani looks around and fake smiles  "oh hey good morning mrs lynch"

Im in second period just laughing my ass off and next thing you know it. I get this text from bae saying that they are having auditions for this play beauty and the beast tomorrow. (bell rings) why is my phone ringing???? oh god what does she want. Yes mom. Mom - leave school early we need to talk. Ok mom. After i hung up it felt like the whole world just stopped and looked at me. I thought to myself. Am I in trouble? Is everyone ok? What did I do now?

I leave school questioning every damn thing. ive been out thus bitch  walkin for a half and hour. Finally I get home. As soon as I stepped on the porch I smelled chocolate chip cookies with fudge brownies. So  I opened the front door and I see my mean ass mother baking some snacks. In my mind all hear is  wtf got up into this bitch today. Did she get some dick? She sais to me Darren sit down. Im like ok. Darren I cant keep putting up with this behavior of yours. Do you want to live with your father?

My face lit up with excitement and joy. Me being so excited I didnt even answer the damn question. Mom said Darren do you not hear me talking to you. Oh yea.....yes I would love to. Mom sais ok I will call him in a bit.

I quickly walk up stairs to my room and throw my book bag on the floor.

My tears start falling with this taste of salt from tears in my mouth .These arent tears of  sadness. These were tears of excitement. In my whole life I dreamed of living with my dad and finally its coming true.

Two days had passed by and now its Friday. Friday  was moving day for me. I packed a my stuff and put it in the back of my moms trunk.

We had met my dads wife at the post office because he works late. My facial expressions showed that I was too happy. After half and hour of her and my mom talking I finally got my stuff in my dads wife car.

In my mind I was to leave. But I was happy as a bitch.

one week has passed and I'm loving this new life. Today I start school at floridas  school for the arts.

Everything was so perfect intill I got home and this bitch (my dads wife) said "clean the dishes for me ". In my head im like no way jose. But what am I kidding I cant say that to an adult. So I say "ok sure". I couldnt say no because I have this problem telling people no. so I wash these damn dishes and a whole thirty minutes later. This bitch comes back and say "i will give you twenty dollers if u clean my room. Im like omfg. fuck she dont clean up. of course I say yes because I like fucking money.

Eventually I clean this nasty ass room of hers. Im tired of cleaning up aleady shit.

"Darren" (step mom yelling). Yes I answer. "Can u clean up some stuff for me". Again I just cleaned up. "

Yes she sais "u clean up good "

after I while I had new things to clean and the house was getting even more dirty.

"why do I have to keep cleaning up while everbody else sits and watch" she replys with a rude ass remark, because im grown and u do what the fuck I say.

Omg no she didnt. Ive never had someone talk to me like that. See I dont disrespect adults so i kept my mouth shut and plus I was scared.

" why are you still standing ther we. Did u not just hear me say clean the fuck up?? "

Yes mam . I walk to kithchen crying and angry. Next thing u know it I see the area by the sink gets dark. Like a shadow. I turn around and........................


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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