Part 10

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Olivia Jackson was in a quandary. She was pregnant. She did not want a kid. Deacon was excited, happy, making plans for them, and she just wanted to be free. She suspected that her mom and dad knew something was wrong. How could this be? It had only been a week. How could she get pregnant so fast?

Olivia sighed. She had to do something. Deacon Pritchard was a fun loving guy, but now he was to serious, too intense. Since they learned of the pregnancy, he acted as if they would mate automatically. Olivia liked Deacon. They spent so much time together that she knew him inside out. But she was not ready for a mate. And she was sure Deacon Pritchard was not her mate. She found him attractive, but what woman wouldn't. She loved the attention he showered on her, and when they were alone, she'd just hold him close. But now, entering the dining hall where her family was waiting was not something she was ready to deal with.

"Deacon, I need you to back off." She whispered. "My dad won't like seeing you touch me."

Deacon smiled. "Your father will be alright. Because this makes you uncomfortable, I'll tone it down." He replied. Olivia sighed.

They entered the dining hall. Olivia tried to act as if nothing had changed, but Deacon kept touching her. He was subtle, but knowing her dad, he noticed. The last thing she wanted was to deal with her parents, especially her Dad.

"Olivia, sweetheart, we're over here." Lavinia called. Olivia looked up and smiled. She could not ignore her Mom. She and Deacon walked over to her parents.

"Deacon, please join us. We must talk." Jebutu added. He spoke calmly, but Olivia could tell this situation was tense. After watching Deacon touch his daughter, Jebutu felt rage. He wanted to snatch him up and pummel him, but he kept his temper in check.

Deacon smiled and they joined her parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, thanks for inviting me over." Deacon stated sitting beside Olivia.

"Well, it seems you taken plenty of liberties, so we may as well invite you over." Jebutu hissed.

Lavinia smiled. "Deacon, how have you been? I know you came here for your brother. Are you ready to go back to Louisiana?"

Deacon smiled. Mrs. Jackson was really sweet, but he did not miss the subtle message. "Yes, Ma'am I do miss home. I was hoping to invite Olivia to join me for a visit."

Jebutu frowned, "She's not twenty-one and I won't allow it." He spoke.

"Daddy, please." Olivia whispered.

The twins looked up at their father's harsh tone. They shared a look. They looked at their sister and she looked worried. Mom looked scared. Something was going on here.

Deacon do you need me? Declan sent. He was not leaving his brother alone in this situation.

I'm fine, go. Deacon replied once more. Declan and Evangeline left. Send if you need me. Declan sent one last time.

Olivia did not eat. "Babe, you need to eat something." Deacon whispered.

Lavinia spoke. "You know what, I want a salad. Olivia, come with me. You can make a salad too." She suggested. The women left. Jebutu sat glaring at Deacon. This male planted his seed inside of his daughter. What made him think this was acceptable.

"Daddy, can we go sit with Akeemo and Uncle Ryelle? We'll behave." One of the twins stated, both wanting to get away from the tension at the table. Jebutu looked at his sons, temporarily breaking his stare at Deacon.

"Go, don't get into trouble." Jebutu ordered. The twins left, leaving the two males alone.

"She is too young, barely nineteen. I should beat your ass for even thinking about her, let alone touching her." Jebutu hissed.

Deacon bowed his head in submission. He had to be careful how he replied because the wrong thing and he'd have a pissed off father beating his behind.

"Sir, I understand that you are upset, but I want you to know that I care about Olivia." Deacon whispered, hoping to calm her dad.

"You care. You've been here a little over a week. Spent less than a day screwing her, but expect me to believe you love my daughter. You were just a squirrel searching for a nut, and she gave it to you. Unfortunately, there are serious consequences from that nut you busted in my daughter. I'll let Olivia decide what to do about this kid, but you will go home and get the hell away from my daughter. When the baby arrives, you can come see it, but Olivia is off limits to you."

Deacon was upset. He did not have the right to do this. "Jebutu are you alright?" Ryelle stated calmly, his eyes never leaving his older brother. "Deacon, why don't you join us at the alpha table and after dinner, we can go for a run and talk. Jebutu, you can join us if you can keep your temper in check."

"Thank you Alpha." Deacon stood and joined the alpha table as their guest.

"Jebutu, I don't know what's going on. But you must calm down." Ryelle whispered. "We'll talk about this later." He issued an alpha command forcing his brother to gain control over his emotions.

"You don't understand." Jebutu hissed.

"I know you love your family. I know that if you keep this up, it will turn violent. I know that you losing control is the last thing Lavinia needs to witness." Ryelle reminded him. Jebutu sobered immediately. He looked at his mate, and he felt down their bond. She was terrified. After tonight, he understood, but this situation had never happened to him before. Still, Lavinia did not need to be frightened.

"Fine, just keep him away from us for now." Jebutu hissed, glaring at Deacon. Ryelle nodded and returned to his family at their table. He shared a look with Damian, a silent message that they must keep an eye on Jebutu.

Olivia and Lavinia returned to the table where Deacon no longer sat. Jebutu was silent. He looked at his daughter, pure disappointment fill his eyes. She dropped her head. Her father was disappointed in her. She was shamed.

"We'll discuss this at home. You will move back in with your mother and me tonight." Jebutu stated, his tone brooking no argument. Olivia simply nodded in agreement. Jebutu ate in silence as he glared at the young male seated at his brother's table.

In all of her years, her father never looked at her with such disgust and anger in his eyes. Olivia knew what she needed to do. She caused this shame, and she needed to take care of it. Deacon was returning to Wildwood with his brother tomorrow. She'd go to the city to the clinic. Neither of their lives needed to be stopped because of one careless night. She'd see the doctor and once and for all, her father would no longer be ashamed.. She'd let Deacon know her decision, she'd make him see logic. After tomorrow, he had no need to return to Jackson. She would not bring this shame onto her father.

Deacon felt a sense of dread. Something had changed. Olivia! something was not right. He looked up. She sat and ate, but he could not stop the feeling of doom that took root in his soul.

Olivia! he thought needing to speak with her now, but knowing that it was not possible. Dinner ended, and Deacon walked over to the Jackson family table. He needed to speak with Olivia, because something was not right.

"Olivia, what's going on?" Olivia looked away from him. Deacon touched her arm. "I know you're upset, but we can work through this. Let's talk when we get to your apartment." He added. Olivia did not respond. His sense of dread grew. He looked at her, and somehow he knew. "I get the feeling that you might do something..." He was cut off.

"Get away from my daughter. If I ever catch you near her again, even the alpha won't stop me the next time. " Jebutu barked. He faced Olivia, "Come, let's get your things. You're coming home." He faced Deacon once more. "You need to pack. You return home tomorrow. My daughter is not your concern." Jebutu walked off.

Deacon had enough. "Mr. Jackson, I understand you're upset, but you are wrong. Olivia is my concern and we need to talk."

Jebutu turned on a dime, fury rolling off of him in waves. This young man had the gall to address him, and thought he had rights where Olivia was concerned. Jebutu advanced on Deacon, but Deacon did not back down. At no point did he become aggressive, but he did not back down either.

Damian intervened and caught his brother. Jebutu was furious, but Deacon had one more thing to say. "If this was your child, would you just walk away. Would you allow someone to force you from his life?"

Jebutu froze. That was exactly what happened to him decades ago. He was denied the right to raise his child. He sobered. He could not allow this to happen to this young man. As angry as he was, he would not force this man to walk away from his child.

"Deacon, it's best if you go to your apartment. Now is not the time to discuss this with my brother." Damian added calmly.

Deacon looked at Olivia. She wore no expression on her face. He spoke to her directly. "I'll be back in a week. Please don't do anything drastic. We can talk when I get back."

Olivia did not respond. Lavinia looked at her daughter. She put her arm around her. "Come Olivia, let's go." They left leaving Jebutu with his brother.

Olivia looked down the road, where she saw Deacon walking home alone. She hated to have to do this, but this child would destroy her father. She would not allow that to happen. Besides, when Deacon met his true mate, he'd be grateful that he did not have an extra cub to worry about.

Lavinia walked with Olivia to her apartment. She did not say anything. She knew her daughter was dealing with a lot and she would come to her if she needed to. As Olivia packed an overnight bag, Lavinia wandered around the small space. "Olivia is this something you want to do?" Lavinia asked.

Olivia looked at her mother. She really did not want to move back home, but to keep her father happy she would. "Momma, right now, it's for the best." She whispered. Lifting her bag, she returned to her parent's home. She missed Deacon. Since they learned about the baby, he never left her side. He would have been here tonight, but her father's reaction rendered a different action. Needing to know that he was ok, Olivia called. Deacon picked up on the first ring.

"I'm sorry about my dad. He is just a dad, I guess." Olivia apologized.

"Olivia, he is a dad, but I'm a dad too. I know you're scared, but wait for me to come back. We can both talk to him. Once he calms down, I'm sure we can work something out." Deacon explained.

Olivia sighed. "There's nothing to work out Deacon. I'm not having it."

Deacon froze, "What? What did you just say?"

Olivia gulped. She'd never heard him sound so angry. "I'm not having it."

"Olivia listen to me. Don't do anything to harm the baby ok." He whispered. Olivia did not respond. "Olivia, answer me. Promise you won't do something you'll regret." Deacon demanded.

Olivia started to promise, but she simply told the truth. "Deacon, we don't need this. I'm not ready, and you live thousands of miles away. A baby is not what either of us need. Tomorrow when you leave, I'm taking care of this problem."

Deacon paused, his heart pounding. "You can't do this. If you do this Olivia, I will never forgive you."

Olivia gasped. "Well, it's good that we never have to see each other again. Good bye Deacon." She hang up. Deacon was stunned. She was getting rid of it. His child would not be given the chance to live.

Declan rushed to his brother. "What is it, Deacon? What's wrong?' he demanded.

"She's aborting. She doesn't want the baby. When I go home tomorrow, she's having the procedure done." Deacon took a breath. "I tried to talk her out of it Declan, She wouldn't listen. That's my kid. How can she just..." Deacon sat down, shaking.

Declan didn't know a lot but his whole life he looked out for two people, Alexia and his brother. Alpha Ryelle, please talk to Olivia. I know this was not planned, but my brother has rights here. Please don't allow Olivia to abort their child. My brother will be back, I promise. Some kind of arrangements can be made. I know she may be scared, but this is his baby too. Declan sent.

Ryelle awoke immediately. Olivia was pregnant and Deacon was the father. Now he understood Jebutu's reaction. His brother was fiercely overprotective of his niece. This was an issue that they needed to address as a family. "Tasha, love, wake up. I've learned something new." He whispered to his mate.

Tasha woke. She knew instantly that something serious was going on. Ryelle took a deep breath and relayed Declan's message. Tasha got up immediately; she had to talk to her niece. Olivia and Lavinia come see me first thing. She sent. If what Ryelle said was true, then that explained a lot.

Soon the sun rose and he called to Jebutu. Jebutu joined his brother and they talked. "He took advantage of my daughter, Ryelle. In a moment of grief, this man used her. She had no idea what was going on." Jebutu vented.

Ryelle listened. "Deacon leaves in a few hours. You must talk to him Jebutu. Don't leave it like this." Ryelle implored.

"I have nothing to say to him. He is dung to me. He is worse than dung." Jebutu took a deep breath. "Deacon Pritchard can vanish from this earth."

"Jebutu, you don't mean that. You know he is a decent man. Go talk to him." Ryelle commanded.

Jebutu walked over to the Commons and asked for Deacon. Both Deacon and Declan came out. Evangeline stood in the back looking worried. This was their pack, but if Jebutu came after Deacon, her mate would fight with his brother. What did that mean for them?

Jebutu took a deep breath. "Ryelle contacted me this morning. He feels we need to talk."

Deacon nodded. "Declan, it's fine. Go to breakfast. I'll join you in a few minutes." Declan left. "Mr. Jackson, when I leave. I won't be back to see Olivia. I'll come see my brother and Evangeline, but your daughter will not be bothered by me anymore."

"Wait one damn minute. You plan to abandon my daughter to raise your child on her own. What kind of cowardice is this?" Jebutu demanded.

Deacon swallowed, "According to Olivia, at this time tomorrow morning, there won't be a child to worry about." He swallowed, as tears formed in his eyes. "She plans to abort. She has made up her mind and will not be dissuaded."

Jebutu stepped back. "Wait, when did she tell you this?"

"Last night. Look sir, I mean no disrespect, but I'm done. She will kill my child, and there isn't a damn thing I can do to stop her. You wanted me to stay away from her. Then I will do so gladly. If she does this, I never want to see her again. Now if you don't mind, please leave me alone. I won't bother you again." Deacon walked away. Jebutu was frozen.

"Wait!" Jebutu called. "You just stood there and agreed to this?" Jebutu demanded.

Deacon stopped. He turned to face this angry father. Fury like he had never known filled his soul. "You think I want this. You think I told her to do this. We've known about this child for five days and I have done nothing but try to reassure Olivia. No sir, this is a decision she has made on her own. My opinion does not matter." Deacon closed his eyes, his heart ripped in two. "I want him. I want my son, but it's her body. She gets to make the choice and she doesn't want a child with me. She doesn't have to raise him. I will, but she won't even let him be born. She is not ready to be a mom. What else do you want me to do?" Deacon walked away and went back inside. Jebutu was frozen. He knew exactly how Deacon felt. Jebutu walked home. Lavinia and the twins were there, and Olivia was up. He sat. He needed to talk with his daughter. She would not harm his grandson.

"Jebutu, Olivia and I need to talk with Tasha. Take the boys with you to breakfast." Lavinia whispered.

Jebutu froze and faced his daughter. "Did he tell me the truth? Is this your decision?" he asked.

Olivia looked at her dad, her eyes wide and terrified, "Yes, he told the truth." Then she left with her mother.

Jebutu fell into his chair. He knew that he somehow forced his daughter into making this terrible decision. He needed to find a way to fix this. Deacon Prichard would have a chance to raise his son.


Ryelle arranged transport to the airport for the small group. Evangeline shared a tearful goodbye with her Mom and her niece and nephew. Soon they boarded the small plane back to Shreveport. Evangeline was nervous. Deacon kissed her gently. "You'll love Mom and Dad. They are so excited to meet you.

Evangeline smiled and relaxed. Declan held her in his arms. Deacon was quiet. His heart was breaking into millions of pieces. He should have stayed at Jackson. The Alphas would understand. He closed his eyes and prayed that Olivia did not do this evil thing.

The fight was easy and in a hour or so, they arrived at the airport at Shreveport. Evangeline was nervous. Her stomach felt as if a swarm of butterflies had taken up residence. "Evangeline, it's going to be fine. Come on." Deacon followed them from the plane. He needed to see the alphas. After reporting in, he just wanted time away.

A car arrived to take them to Wildwood. The three climbed in and were excited to be heading home. Evangeline was fascinated by the city. The architecture was beautiful. She had often red stories about this place, but seeing the city for the first time gave her a thrill. Declan told her stories about the city's rich history.

"We're home." The theta that was driving stated. They stopped in front of the alpha home. Tia and Dallas were there. They were anxious to meet their new daughter. Deacon exited first. Lakota knew instantly that something was wrong. Deacon, my office. Lakota sent. Deacon nodded.

Meanwhile, Tia was being introduced to Evangeline. "Welcome to the family, Evangeline. I am so happy to finally meet you." Tia added.

Evangeline smiled, "Thank you, Mrs. Pritchard. I am honored..." Tia laughed. "Call me Mom, none of that Mrs. Pritchard garbage." She stated smiling. This girl was adorable, and Tia loved her already. Her son was a blessed young man.

Evangeline laughed, "Ok, Mom"

Dallas laughed, "Hell, I've always wanted a daughter, seems like I got lucky and inherited a beauty." He hugged Evangeline. "Welcome home sweetheart. Now I know y'all re members of Jackson, but Wildwood is your home too."

Evangeline smiled, and then she met the alphas. They were kind and she was amazed. This pack had four alphas and they worked together seamlessly.

"Evangeline, welcome! " A shrill voice called from the door. Evangeline looked up, as Alexis barreled in, grabbing her in a bear hug.

"Alexia, hey! It's so good to see you." Evangeline declared and she meant it.

"Come on, let's get you settled. Then I can show you around. Oh, I'm sorry. Do you all mind?" Alexia as, realizing the others may have had plans.

Alpha Madam Margret laughed. "Alexia, Evangeline will be visiting a few weeks, let's allow her time tonight to get to know her family." She suggested. Alexia dropped her head. She was actually embarrassed.

"Hey, it's ok. We'll talk, later, ok" Evangeline whispered. Alexia laughed. Soon the group relaxed as the alphas prepared to introduce their guest to the pack. Evangeline went with the madam alphas and Tia. The ladies talked. As they talked, they smiled as someone joined them.

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