Second Chapter

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---*Y/N Pov*---

'So that is the one that she fears is going to mess up her plans.' I think as i leave my first class. Those silver eyes must be powerful if she is afaird if them. I'll have to do something about them... Ahh thats for a later date. She said to let Cinder try out her plan. I swear she has a sweet spot for that girl.

This day has been uneventful, although i did get to destroy one of Ozpin's team of pawns. When did she say Cinders plan was going to come into faluition, the vytal festival was it. I'll have to contact her for more details.

As i was thinking about this, i got contacted by an unknown number. I answered.
Y/N: "Yes Cin."
Cinder: "Can you meet with us. We need to discuss the rest of the ...plan.,

Y/N: "Alright Cin, i'll come and discuss it." Cinder: "Thank you." I then whistle, this called Fallen, she was back in her oringinal size.
Y/N: "We are going to these cordinates... but first i need my gear." I then climb on and go to the apartment building i had all of my gear in. I walk in and put all of the gear on.
Y/N: "Alright Fallen we need to get there unoticed."

We are on the roof i climb on to her back and she flys off. Little to my knowledge a certain girl with a red cape saw the largw bird.
Ruby: "That looks like Prof. L/N's bird. Probably not important."


I arrived at the place that Cinder needed to talk with me. I walk in and see her with Emerald and Mercury behind her.
Y/N: "Hello Cindy, how have you been." I greeted.

Cinder: "I have been well sir. As to why i asked you to come and meet with me. I need your help. The plan is going smoothly it is just that we require assistance in-"
I cut her off
Y/N: "You need help getting into the Vytal festival don't worry about that. I can get you guys in, all you have to do us act as students from Haven."

Cinder: "Thank you sir."
Y/N: "Ohh also, don't worry i won't tell Salem about this-" She looked slightly relieved
Y/N: "BECAUSE she alreadly knows." And with that i left the warehouse. As i am leaving still outside the door i hear them start to talk.

---*CINDER'S POV*---

He actually is willing to help us. Although it is not good that the misstress already knows we had to reach out to him. I thought he would tell us to use our own resources.

Emerald: "Cinder who was that." Emerald said.
Cinder: "You know mistress Salem, that is her King, he is also known as The Ultimate Hunter. His skill is unmatchable by any other thing human, faunus, grimm. Although if he and the mistress were to fight i believe it would almost definitely end in a draw with mass destruction to the surronding area."

Mercury then spoke up.
Mercury: "What if us, and the rest of the misstress' followers were to try and defeat him." I just laughed at this.
Cinder: "Even then he would just pick us off one by one." He looks shocked.
Cinder: "And if we did this would also infer the wrath of the mistress."

---*BACK TO Y/N'S POV*---

So Cindy's's lackys do not know of me. At least she informed them to not get me angry. Well i better get back to the apartment. I whistle and fallen appears infront of me.
Y/N: "We are done now we can leave." I got on and we flew back to the apartment i put all of the armor back in it's storage, only leaving the blades on. I see that Fallen had shrunk down.
Y/N: "Alright want to go for a walk." She squawks.

Y/N: Alright lets go." She perched herself on my shoulder. As i walk out i got a telepathic message from Salem.
Salem: "So Cinder has asked for your help this early on."
Y/N: "It appears so. She has asked for help in getting into the Vytal festival."

Y/N: "Don't get mad at her she just needed some help getting in."
Salem: "Alright fine. As long as the plan works out in the end it will be fine."
Y/N: "Even if the plan does not work i could intervene. Oh and before i forget i've met the silver eyed warrior. She has not unlocked the power yet."
Salem: "Great news. Don't reveal yourself until absolutely necessary."
Y/N: "I won't talk to you later. Love you."
Salem: "Love you too."

I felt her presence leave. Wait is some one following me. I smell a cat, a Schnee, a dragon, and a rose. It's little red and her team. Hmm hasn't been for long maybe since I've been walking with fallen. Well might as well confront them.

----*RUBY'S POV *-----

We have been following prof. L/N for a little while now. He and his strang bird just stopped at a bench and sat their doing nothing.
Weiss: "What is he doing."
Yang: "absolutely nothing. He has been sitting there for almost ten minutes without moving."
As she said that he got up and started walking away we followed behind him very stealthily. He just walked into a clearing.

Prof.L/N: "Alright come RWBY."
Me: "How did he know we were following you."
Prof.L/N: " I could smell you all. Now why have all of you been following me."
Weiss: "Ruby thought she saw a larger version of your bird leaving a building. I tried to tell her it was her it was her imagination, but she would not listen to me. I apologize on all of the teams behalf." 

Prof.L/N: "Alright then. Just know that i will know if you try to follow me again."
Blake: "Wait professor. You said you could smell us does that mean your a faunus."
Prof.L/N: "No i am not." After he finished that he dissapeared into his own shadow.
Yang: "Well that was not what i was expecting to happen."

-------*BACK TO Y/N'S POV *----------
-*In underground base*-

So it seems that their suspicious of me. Well i will have to be more careful next time. Though i doubt that Ozpin has informed any of them about Salem. Ohh how much i wish I could kill them all right now and put their heads in my trophy room. Well i guess i will wait for my prey to come to me and once they do that is when they'll join my wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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