The reset

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So, this was how I died huh? Not by growing old with my special someone, not in a blaze of glory saving my friends... But by jumping off my flat. I would say something cheesy like "I had a good run" but I'm honest with myself, nothing happened in my life. Goodbye, Sydney. I'll miss my home more than anyone I knew. Not even my little sister was there to say goodbye. She met a similar fate as a teenager.

Before I knew what happened I heard a crack echo through my ears like I had headphones on and blasted a bass solo at the loudest volume. Then silence. Nothing but a gentle wind, that seemed awfully cold. Then suddenly, footsteps had approached slowly. The footsteps were timid and quiet, but were definitely intended to approach me. I turned around and opened my eyes to see a cloak, it was a pitch black cloak with white lining that looked like the decorations for the day of the dead. Within the cloak lay the mask of a plague doctor with the same Mexican festive markings. Despite the cloaked being looking ready for a party, he did not look happy through the mask. His eyes were grizzled and almost colourless. I then realised that this thing in front of me was bracing to take me to the afterlife. They had taken out a briefcase from their cloak. The thing then reached down and took from the briefcase a small pill. This pill had a picture of a small little flower that sprung up. I picked up the pill and spoke but something was off, my voice sounded more empty than usual. I didn't even have tone in my words! Either way I had asked the festive doctor,

"Sir, what will this pill do?" The thing had looked towards me with a confused expression. He spoke to me with a strange undertone that sounded like a second voice...

"You," he had said "you have the audacity to speak to death?!?" The man, who I presumed was called death was upset that I talked to him? I crossed my arms to assert my dominance and snapped back at him saying

"Well I'm already dead, peck neck! What are you going to do? Double kill me?" Despite my voices tone not working, Death seemed to have gotten the message in-fact maybe too well! Death looked outraged and from this strange empty area came menacing whispering. I looked around thinking more company had appeared... But nobody came. Instead I was greeted by these whispering voices breaking into several shouting voices. Deaths eyes had flared into a bloody-red.

"Į ÇÂŃ DØ MØRË THÂÑ THÂT ŴĘÅKŁĪŃG!!!!!¡!!¡" he and apparently the rest of this empty world had screamed at me.

"Ok, I'm sorry I'm just a bit confused is all, I have never believed in religion so I'm curious on what happens after death?" Death had seemed to calm down and the voices had stopped.

"If you take this pill your life will reset. Since your cause of death was suicide, you were obviously unhappy. You will get to choose one thing to change from your life entirely." Death had removed the mask from his face. He was a humble looking man with a scar spanning all the way across his mouth. His eyes seemed to burn different colours on how he is feeling. I'm guessing this as his eyes had caught a red fire when he was angry and now they are a calming teal blue, like an ocean of flames... Ouch.

"I apologise for lashing out at you madam but that nickname you gave me, I don't appreciate it. People look at my mask and guess I'm a bird. It's annoying." At first this grim reaper of sorts seemed unappealing but in the end he has a sort of warmth to him. I looked at this pill and saw it had a drawing of a flower. I looked back to the grim reaper and asked him,

"So I get to take one thing sir?" He nodded his head, putting back in his mask. "Well... Can you come with me to my next life sir? I could use a brother!" Death had turned towards me with sweat somehow dripping from his mask.

"I would rather not have that happen m-miss!" I took the pill and the mask fell off with the last thing I see being death running towards me with a sort of mortified expression, like he had seen himself!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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