parting our ways or not??

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The train suddenly came to a quick stop and I opened my eyes quickly.

'Wait when did I fall asleep??' I thought

I looked around and Rogue and Sting were gone. I saw there was a note on the table and picked it up and got off of the train. Once I was off I started reading the note.
Oi Blondie we reached our stop and you were asleep so we decided to just leave. Take care idiot!

I knew who this was once I saw his sloppy hand writing. I couldn't help but smile and felt a fluttering sensation in my chest. I decided to ignore it and went to the town. Once I got there the woman who sent the request told me the monster hides in the woods so I went there first. Once I was in there I heard a growl. I then saw a hideous monster and it was very large. (Larger than the rat when they fought Lyon) I immediately brought up two of my keys.

"Open gate of the golden bull: Taurus!" I said

"Mooo!" Taurus said

"Open gate of the Scorpion: Scorpio!"

"We are!" Scorpio said once he came out

"Wow miss looooocy you look great as always!  Why not come over and give me a smoooooch?" Taurus

"Not now pervert!" I pointed at the monster "that's our enemy! Give him all you guys got!"

Scorpio raised his stinger.

"Sand Buster!" He sent his attack

It hit the monster but did no damage.

"Sorry I tried. But I have to go. I've got a date with Aquarius!" Scorpio said then disappeared

"Taurus you're up!" I said

"Yes miss loooocy! Anything for that sexy body of yours!"he said while jumping at the monster

All I could do was sweat drop. Taurus was about to hit the monster but it hit Taurus into a wall then he disappeared.


The monster turned his attention to me. I took a step back. The monster raised his hand getting ready to hit me. I covered my face with my eyes waiting for the pain. Which i never felt. Instead i heard someone shout: "roar of the light dragon!"

Slowly I opened my eyes and moved my arms. I saw the monster laying on the floor dead. I was then surprised when I saw Sting and Rogue.

"Rogue...Sting?" I asked

"Wow blondie you were about to be killed and all you can do is cover yourself with your arms?" Sting asked then smirked

I didn't respond.

"Well its quite a coincidence we ran into each other. Must be destiny eh, blonide?" Sting asked

"Pfft you wish in your dreams" I said crossing my arms

"Well thanks for leading us to the monster, fairy-sama!" Fro said happily

I quelled and hugged him. I couldn't help it he was just so adorable. After a while I let him go.

"Well I'll get the reward and you guys can have it since you did most of the work" I said

"Nah you can keep it blondie you lead us to the monster" Sting said

"Wow pretty kind of the Sting Eucliffe" I said

We got the reward then took the train back to Magnolia. Once I was at my stop I waved goodbye then left. I went to the guild and it was quieter than usual. When I walked in everyone had their heads down.

SticyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora