Your Cheatin' Heart

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Annie and Braydon are walking in the hallway together

"So what's up with you and that guy?" Annie asks Braydon.

"Nothing." Braydon answers a bit sour.

"Is he still afraid to come out?"

"Yeah that's an understatement."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine it's not your fault there's a growing stigma about gay people. but enough a me, I want to know about you, how was Gay Paree?"

"I was amazing. everything is so beautiful there I almost didn't wanna come back."

"But you realized the you'd be leaving your best friend behind and you couldn't bear the thought of losing him."

"Yes that's exactly what happened."

They stop by Annie's locker.

"Hey I gotta go to photography." Braydon says. "The art of mega-pixels awaits."

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, bye."


Braydon walks away. Annie opens her locker grabs a book and shuts it revealing Charlie standing behind it. she jumps surprised.

"Can we talk?" Charlie asks desperately.

Annie walks away ignoring him. He follows her not showing any signs of giving up.

"Look I know you're pissed but just let me explain."

Annie stops and turns around. "Explain what? you have a girlfriend and she just so happens to be one of my best friends."

"Beth and I are pretty much over, I don't love her anymore, I'm just too afraid to breakup with her."

"Why?" Annie asks a little bit skeptical and intrigued.

"Have you met her?"

"That's...true, but I don't care, you're dating Beth that's the end of it."

"Well what if I breakup with her? Then can you..give us a chance?" Charlie asks.

"No." Annie answers bluntly. She's not giving up easily either.

"Why not?"

"Because Beth's my friend."

"That's not the real reason is it?"

"What?" Annie asks slightly offended.

"You couldn't care less about your relationship with Beth so what's the real reason?"

He knew how to push her buttons. But he was also right. And Annie couldn't deny that.

"Fine Charlie. Do you really think I could trust you?" Annie says.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked genuinely dumbfounded.

"Let's say you do breakup with Beth and we start dating. I'll always wonder if you're cheating on me."


"Because you've done it before, with me." Annie says in her 'duh' voice.

"But that's different."


"Because I like you."

"And what happens when you stop? Are you gonna go on to the next girl?"


"You don't know that."

"Well neither do you."

Annie's silent for a bit. Could she really do it? Could she really start a relationship this way an expect it to have a happy ending?

"Well that's not a chance I'm willing to take." Annie says. She walks away as if she's running from something.

"Annie!" Charlie calls for her.

"Don't follow me!" She says.

Annie continues to walk away until she stops when her phone goes off. She looks at the message saying "Good girl for now, but remember if you kiss I'll tell. -A"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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