Chapter 20: Fresh Start

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I applied to a new york school for acting a while ago and today i got a letter saying i got in an i start at the beginning of next week. As of right now im standing frozen in nash's room collecting the last of my things.


"Alright cameron texted me saying nash is leaving his apartment in about 5 minutes so im gonna go over now so when i get there he wont be there." I said to arden.

"Your pathetic." Arden said laughing.

"Whatever." i said laughing leaving. 

I got into my car with a cardboard box and drove off to nash and camerons apartment. When i arrived i texted cam to make sure he wasnt there and he wasnt so i made my way up and let myself into the apartment. I still had the key. I keep forgetting to get rid of it but for some reason i just cant bring myself to do it. I walked up to nash's room and started collecting some stuff. Cameron followed me.

"So when do you leave?" Cameron asked.

"Friday." I said.

"Oh im going to miss you and-" Cameron started but the front door opened and nash's deep voice echoed throughout the apartment.

"YO CAM IM BACK FORGOT SOMETHING." He said coming up this room.

Me and cam stared at eachother nervously. Nash walked in and his icy blue eyes met mine and i swear time stopped.

"Alyssa?" he asked.

I didnt say anything i just looked down. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Shes getting the last of her stuff." Cameron answered for me.

"Why havent you been aanswering any of my texts or calls?" he asked.

"I dont have anything to say to you." I said.

"Listen if anybody should be mad here it should be me you aborted our baby!" he said.

I shook my head and stuffed the box with the rest of my stuff.

"Hey stop." Nash said coming closer.

"No nash its over and it just.. it wont be the same nor will it ever be. Im gonna get my stuff and im going to leave. You werent even supposed to know i was here." I said.

"How can you just not care after everything we went through together?" he asked.

"Not care? Of course i care!" I said.

"You sure dont act like it." he said.

I shook my head and grabbed the last t shirt and then my face wash and said "thats it. Thanks cam."

I walked fast out of the room and down the stairs.

"Wait!" Nash said.

I stopped and looked up at him and he just looked at me. I shook my head and continued walking down the stairs and then left the apartment.


New york city is a big deal! Moving there by myself is a huge step..and im not sure im ready. Im sitting down at the airport waiting for my flight to be called looking out the window and im thinking Do i really want to do this? Am i even ready for such a step? 



"Shes leaving today!" Andrea said through the phone.

"Where is she going?" i asked.

"New york!" She said. "If you dont want her to leave you have to go now."

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