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                                                                        Her Shadow

Once in a far off realm, there was a little girl who talked to her shadow. She spoke to it at dawn when she woke and at dusk as she went to sleep. She spoke to other's shadows too. 

When they asked her why she spoke to hem so often, she would reply," Because they talk back." 

After that no one questioned her. They were too scared. Scared of what she could do, or who could do it for her. For they lived in a different time and different place, a place where any magic had long gone. 

But at night in her room the shadow would separate from her own, and then stabilize into a solid form then into a human body, of her own age. They would talk until she until asleep, the shadow would stare at her then morph back into her shadow.

Her ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now