I didnt expect that

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Remi Diary Writings #3
This is the best section I ever seen... friendly classmates make a lot friends and more friends too much friends there

Day 13

Teacher Nai: Hello Class and good morning... I have something to say is we have a better start for our first to third week of the school days! so today is June of 21 2036 almost the 11th anniversary of the biggest terrorist attacks..

Gordon: So when is MIC?

Teacher Nai: Oh MIC will be on next next Friday..... *look at the schedule*

Gordon: next next friday?

Teacher Nai: Your Gordon right?

Gordon: Yes Teacher Nai!

Teacher Nai: Yes Next Next Friday!

Gordon: Wooo!

Mia: Oh wow.. your compete on that competition?

Gordon: Yep!

Teacher Nai: Wait... Your the 6th Time MIC Champion!?

Gordon: Uhh yes..

Teacher Nai: Can you show me your medal or trophy?

Gordon: Oh I brought my medal only but I have a picture on my case *shows the medal and the picture*

Teacher Nai: Oh I remember you now your finish already like 5 Minutes and sleep rest of the 25 minutes of test am I right?

Gordon: Yep!

Teacher Nai: Oh I see ok then *write the question on the board* Solve this...

Cro: Uhhh...

Gordon: square root of 2 over 7...

Teacher Nai: Correct!

Leon: Oh geez louis..

Teacher Nai: That's fast not even 15 seconds above..


Teacher Nai: Oh before I go Leon go to the discipline office..

Leon: Ok Teacher Nai.. *goes to the office*

Discipline Office

Leon: *open door and knock the door salute* Sir Corporal Military Cadet Hensinki Leon asking permission to enter the room sir!

Teacher Barris: You memorize.. ok come in..

Leon: *close the door and near to Teacher Barris*

Teacher Barris: Since your section has the highest score of all the academy.. I want you and your platoon signed up for the contest..

Leon: Already!?

Teacher Barris: Don't worry about it the schedule is next 2 Months.. you still have time..

Leon: A competition....

Teacher Barris: Yes Leon Hensinki on your old military camp..

Leon: Military Territorial Navy and Army Camp?

Teacher Barris: Yes...

Leon: Ok.. we will join the competition!

Teacher Barris: *near the pen and the paper*

Leon: *signed*

Teacher Barris: I believe in you Leon Hensinki make your Family and your Platoon proud.

Leon: Sir Yes Sir!


Cro: Hey Leon wanna hang?

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