Part 1

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‘Will i see you again?’ Said Luke, he gave me that look that made you feel like jelly

‘Depends where you’re staying...i guess you’re staying here on holiday right?’

‘Yeah’ Beau butted in

‘The new houses i’m guessing right behind yours’ Luke said smirking

He had done this on purpose, i was now even later, he knew where i lived and he knew he would see me again, what a cheeky boy

‘Looks like you guessed right, pass your phone over here’

‘Careful Luke she could run off with it’ Said Skip with a cheeky grin on his face

‘Mhmm i’m running away with your phone’ i said while typing in my number

As i turned to walk away ‘Give me a ring, when you see i forget to close my bedroom windows while i get changed’ i winked and saw Luke smile, eughh a smile to die for

I could hear the boy the boys wolf whistling

Really did you just say that Indie, nice way too sound like a slut!

*bz bzz*

‘hey bitch where are you, seriously how long do you take xx’  -maddie

‘sorry bby, got caught up with something, on  the bus now won’t be long xo’ –india

Replaying everything that just happened, like omg, wondering why i had 3 sets of eyes staring on me, then realizing i was smiling at myself like a retard.

Walking up Maddie’s drive way she opens the door and runs up to me and gives me a massive hug ‘INDIAA I’ve missed you, ahh it’s been like a week, please the boys are killing me’

‘I’ve missed you too, so how have Alfie, Nathanael, Alex and Chicken(It’s his nickname don’t worry, im not friends with a chicken) been’

‘Eugh so dreadful and boy like’ maddie jokingly sulked

‘INDIAAAAAAA’ i heard the boys scream, they’re either high or drunk. Maddie opened the door to the play room, okay they’re drunk. As they all gave me a hug i grabbed a random drink on the pool table hoping it was alcohol. Maybe it will stop me from fantasizing of Luke, pftt doubt it.

‘India, oi DAFTER get out of your trance’

‘Oh Hi Alex’

‘You are so no with it’

‘I know’

The music was blaring i was with my friends and the weather was perfect, oh and i was just talking to the janoskians what could be better

*bzz bzz*

‘When do you get home so i can text you that you left your curtains open? ;) Luke x’

‘I’ll be home in a few hours’


Shit is that the time (8:15pm),

 ‘ahh sorry Maddie i have to go mum will kill me if i come home any  later than 9pm, stupid bus journey being 45 mins, love you guys, byee’

‘we love you too, byeeee’


So i can’t walk in a straight line, oopsieee, oh i need to reply to Luke

 ‘I’ll be home in a few hours’-scratch that ‘I’ll be home in an hour, with my bedroom curtain closed. Indie xx’

‘No fair, come to my house after, the boys and i want to get to know you. Luke xx’


sorry if this is so shit, ahahha first time at doing one of these tell me your honest opinion?

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