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LIAM: I sat on the cold sidewalk. I was starving. I hadn't eaten for about 24 hours now. The last thing I had to eat was a stray sandwich in the alleyway. I looked up at the sky. It was beginning to turn dark and stormy, as I felt a cold rush of wind against my body. I was in bare clothes. Only a torn up shirt and some raggedy pants that were very thin.

Suddenly, I felt a drop of rain against my face. I started to retreat back into the alley as a car pulled up beside me. The window rolled down as I heard the voice of an old man.

"Hello young man." said the voice.

I didn't know what to do. I froze in shock as the rain soaked me. His voice was deep and as smooth as honey.

"Would you like to come with me?" he said in a calmed tone.

One thing I knew from being on the streets, never go with strangers. Especially if they offer you a car ride. They'll usually try and assault you in some way or even kidnap you. I also couldn't see the man's face.

But....he was hard to resist. In his voice, it sounded like he could take care of me and get me off of these lousy streets. I had many people do this before, but for some reason, this felt different.

OLIVE DADDY: I looked out the window of the car and studied the boy's face. He had messy sandy blonde hair and rainy blue eyes as well as an olive skin tone. I also noticed the assortment of freckles plastered across his face. Another thing he had on was a party hat. I was confused about the party hat. Usually, I would walk out of the car to introduce myself, but I am a little worried he might be scared due to the fact that I'm basically a walking olive. But the people I meet usually don't seem to care, so I opened the car door.

LIAM: As the man was opening the door to his car, I smelled vinegar. I didn't know where it was coming from, but it smelled kinda good. The next thing you know, I was standing right in front of a giant olive.

"AHHHHhHh!" I screamed.

"Wait! Kid listen, I'm not gonna hurt you." the giant olive said.

So at first, I was scared out of my mind. But then I realized, he was probably a nice guy. Or olive, I guess. How could this huge olive hurt me?

"Listen kid, I was just driving around my new Lamborghini and I wanted to be nice for a change, so here, I give you a home buddy."

LIAM: Honestly, all of this coming from an olive driving a Lamborghini, it sounded harmless. But, there was still a small side of me that was cautious. People can look and act like the nicest person on the Earth, until you're behind closed doors.

"Umm, ok I guess? Still, promise me that you won't do anything harmful to me."

I didn't even know why I said that, because all the people that I had known never kept their promises, and it seemed this rich olive wouldn't either way even if he did make a promise to me.

"Ok come with me, I have olive juice in the car if you're thirsty."

And that's when Liam climbed in the car.


AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys! i hope you like chapter one so far. in chapter 2 and 3, things may get a bit spicy     ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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