#JROS 2: The Wallet (Terufumi Tamano)

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A/N: This is the first one-shot that is written in English. Hope you all enjoy, folks!


"Hey miss, wanna have some coffee with us?" A random guy asked.

A bunch of guys, let's say, annoying guys approached me, asking me out to go with them which I just kept my mouth shut. I don't really feel comfortable when a stranger is asking me out. I mean, it's already in our nature.

I secretly rolled my eyes as I'm playing a pretend game being busy on my phone. I don't know how I will dump these guys, they are already waiting for my answer for about thirty minutes my goodness! That's how patient they are!

I hope all of the men will be like that.

"Nice talking, miss." one of them teased and they laughed as if it's their last day on Earth.

They stopped laughing when I slowly glanced at them, turning into a deadliest glare as possible as I could, hoping they would leave me alone. I don't know if they're just that numb or plain stupid because they know that I'm not interested on their offer.

"Fuck Hannah! Where are you now?!" I asked myself. I'm waiting for her for almost an hour here in Shibuya Station.

My glare made them teased me more that I find irritating. Instead of wasting my time answering them, I just leave them there and I go to the nearest coffee shop to stay. I texted Hannah that I'm going to wait for her here instead.

Those guys pursuing me left, thank goodness because they didn't bother to follow me anymore and it made me sighed in relief. Hannah replied to me, she is on her way now. While I'm waiting for her, I kill my boredom by observing the whole place, it was a minimalist theme that I find satisfying in my eyes.

"Jeanne!" I was finding where Hannah's voice is coming from until my eyes sighted her walking towards me. "I'm so sorry Jeanne for being late! Mom told me to stop Peter from crying, I'm really sorry." she apologized while acting cute.

It's ironic because Hannah is already cute but here she is, still acting cute. I took one last sip on my peppermint frappe before I answer her apology.

"Apology accepted, Hans." I said as I flashed a smile on her.

She smiled back at me. "Thank so much! Let's go, this day would be a long one for us."

"Yeah sure." then we walked out of the coffee shop.

I arrived in Japan yesterday night for a vacation, my Mom answered all of my expenses here as a graduation gift for me because last week, I got my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in Human Resources Management. Also, Hannah promised me that she will tour me here since she is already staying here for many years.

While we are walking towards the station, I started telling Hannah what happened there a while ago. "Some guys are asking me out a while ago and seriously? They're getting in my nerves." I said.

Hannah chuckles as she shakes her head. "You should already get used of it, Jeanne. Because you're beautiful, like a goddess to be exact."

"Duh, I know that!" I rolled my eyes heavenwards.

We already arrived here inside the Shibuya Station to buy some tickets, we are going to Akihabara now and I'm excited to go there since Hannah told me that anime goods were pretty cheap there.

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