First Impressions (Aka bad news...)

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Hey all you awesome people who have read this far!!! I hope you like what I've done to this. If you don't, TELL MEH!!! I can't make you love this story otherwise!!! Oh well. The story will begin after an Iggy message!


Me: heheh yeah. They're never growin back...;) oh well! ON WITH DA SHOW!!!


I wore a cream colored skirt with a flower pattern and a plain maroon shirt. I also wore my favorite jean jacket over top with my yellow converse. This would have to do.

I began brushing my waist length wavy auburn hair, careful not to mess with the ahoge in the back. It sat where America's did, looking like an upside down version of Italy's. Everyone always asked questions about it, and my answer was always to walk away or to tell them to shut up. It worked pretty well, I'll admit.

I finished brushing my hair and put it in a low ponytail, before putting on some black eyeliner to make my hazel eyes stand out and grabbing my purse. I then walked out to where Pitro was standing by the door.

"There you are!" he shouted. "How long can one girl take?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's been ten minutes tops."

"And I only took five."

"Bitch, please, you took a half hour. I timed."


"Now don't just stand there. How do I look?"

"Sei bellissima, sorellina." (1)

"Grazie, fratello." (2)

"Prego. (3) Now come on! We don't wanna be late!"

With that, he grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the car. I sighed.

I was actually doing this.


Third person POV

Sergio knocked on his fratello's door.

"Ve~! Come in!" came the cheerful reply. (Author: yeah. I went there.)

Sergio opened the door. His brother was sitting on his bed, reading a pasta recipe book. He looked up at his brother and smiled.

"Yes Fratello?" the boy asked politely.

"What if she isn't the one you're looking for?"

The usually happy Italian's face fell into a more somber expression.

"She's-a the one. I'm sure of it."


Stella's POV

Why does everyone live in a fucking mansion these days?

We arrived at Sergio's house. Apparently he was going to drive us to the restaurant after a few introductions and greetings. All of which I wasn't keen on doing.

We walked up to the front door, Pitro in front, dragging me in the back as I tried to get a good look at the house. It really was huge.

We walked up to the front door and Pitro knocked. I felt impatient and started tapping my foot. I already regretted saying yes, and then remembered that I didn't say yes in the first place.

The door finally opened to a tall man about Pitro's age, with blonde hair pulled neatly on the sides of his face and light grey eyes. He had a big smile on his face, and if he didn't, I would swear he was Draco Malfoy in disguise.

"Concetta! Ciao! I've been waiting!" The man, whom I was guessing was Sergio, said to my brother. I almost didn't know who he was talking to until I remembered my brother's "it" name.

"Ciao, Sergio!" Pitro said, obviously happy. His smile was big and his blue eyes were shining. "It's great to see you again!" He pointed at me. "This is mi sorellina, Stella."

Sergio smiled in my direction.

"Ciao, Stella! Mi fratello has been looking forward to meeting you! I'm glad you came!" He took my hand and shook it vigorously. I almost shook with the force.

"Ciao..." I managed as a weak reply. I wasn't good with new people. Especially when they're older than me. Then I get really nervous.

Sergio gestured for us to come inside. Pitro did first, me following behind.

The inside of the house was even bigger than the outside! I began to wonder what Sergio did for a living, because this much space doesn't come from a normal employee's paycheck.

Sergio led us to a living room. He gestured for us to sit on the couch, and while I hesitated, Pitro and I eventually took the offer.

"Let me get mi fratello," Sergio said before leaving me with my brother.

"Pitro-" I began.

"No," Pitro interrupted. "Here it's Concetta or just Cetta."

"Right, sorry. So, Cetta, do I really have to do this?"

"Yes. Besides, it would be rude to leave right now."

"But I have a headache."

"You didn't in the car."

"I wasn't thinking in the car."

"Well next time, either think in the car, or don't think when you get here."

"Yes, because that makes entirely enough sense."

"Shut up."

"Fine, Pitro."

At that moment, we didn't bother saying anything else. I heard someone come down the stairs, and looked up, expecting to see Sergio and some guy I never met before.

What I saw next was definitely not what I expected. At all.


Cliff hanger!!! What happens next? I think you can figure it out...but if you can't, a hint: Ve~!

England: Yes, that didn't give it away at all. (Sarcasm)

Me: Shut up, or those eyebrows will fully be removed from your face and your crooked ass teeth will be knocked out, ya hear?

England: *Whimpers in emo corner.*

Me: K bye!!! ;P

(1) You look beautiful, little sister.

(2) Thank you, brother.

(3) You're welcome.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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