unforeseen power 4

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your POV 

as I woke up to arms around me in comfort I didn't realize but I fell asleep in kai's arms. as I looked at him I noticed how cute he looked when he was asleep. he looked so peaceful too. I pretended to be asleep when his opened. "hey. I know your awake. are you sad you couldn't watch me sleep a little longer?" he teased as he got up and went to go get dressed I did the same. we were done and so we headed off to school.

when I got there I had finally made friends with other girls because being friends with the mysterious cutie in made it hard to have friends. it was at the end of school and me and some friends were in the corner talking when one of them started something. "hey why are you even friends with kai oppa anyway? I bet I could be even better than you. oh wait I am." they teased and started laughing 

I held my head and crouched down as they continued to say all these things about me. soon a dark mist and covered me. I was about to loose it and attack. the girls were in the corner as they cowered even deeper into the corner. soon I was on top of them about to strike at my weak prey when I had felt these warm pair of arms take me in. I stopped and looked at whom had the guts to stop me from attacking. when I looked I felt like u couldn't move. kai had stopped me and had me in his arms. he felt stronger then before. as he whispered in my ear "hey y/n stop. your scaring them." he said. and then every thing went black.

when I woke up I was in kai's arms. the girls where gone and the sun was almost set. I had almost killed some one. was it really that bad. flash backs from when I was a kid had started to come to mind. the time that I was being bullied about my dad abusing my mom in public and then soon become an orphan. the girls and boys had surrounded me and would constantly beat me. soon one of the other kids had come to try and save me. he had on a black mask and he later got beat up. I could deal with the pain but the kids cries had made me go insane so I killed them. I went into hiding until they stopped looking for me. I hope that's not what happened 

kai's POV

I had woken up before y/n did and so I had watched as she slept. I had closed my eyes and soon she woke up. I could feel her gaze on me. I enjoyed the feeling of her heat near me. I had still had on the mask. I never take it off. not even when were at home. soon I had to get up no matter how much I loved this moment we still had school. after teasing her I had finally gotten ready because that's what we do.

when we got to school I noticed that y/n had finally made some friends. later in the day I went over to get her so we could walk home like always. I had heard the girls talking about me and threating her. this had sent flash backs to me when a girl form one of my classed was getting bullied because of her parents. I had saw her becoming infected and so I reacted. I had pulled her into a hug. I was protecting the girls because I remember what happened in kindergarten the girl had left no trace of the kids. that was the bloodiest scene I had ever seen in y life and I don't want that for y/n

the girls had flocked to me and tried to convince me that she had tried to attack them because they liked me. "will you sluts stop trying to lie about the one person I care about. it would be better if you just shut up. oh and if you plan on hurting me or her or tell. I promise you wont see the next day." I said with a smile as the girls ran to the outside. 

soon y/n had woken up and so I made it my job to never see that through y/n and protect her.

ill be your night and shinning armor or killer in blood.

sorry this was short but I was on a time limit so I hope you all enjoy this chapter I am now open for request.   

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