chapter doozo

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my mothers waiting in the car, i get in.
"hey." i yawn.
"are you alright? youre quite pale," she asks, her voice worried.
"hm? im fine"
"oh alright..lets get going then."

so heres whats happening, my father is a doctor for the queen, so cannot leave the palace unless its to our local surgery- this is why we're going to the doctors.

"are you ready to see your father?" mother asked, she could see i was uncomfortable.
"hm? oh, yes of course i am! im just scared to see if hes changed, he queen is known for doing that to her staff.."
"im sure hes fine Y/N"
i nod, i guess shes right, "yes i suppose so.."

finally we arrive at the hospital, i fell asleep on the journey

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