Chapter 2

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(Warning this part does include child abuse, self-harm, and cussing. I do not condone self-harm and if you having problems with it please seek help.)

Karma's P.O.V.

I stared into my father's dark green eyes with fear of all the possible scenarios that could play out and the result, none of them end well for me. "Welcome home." I said trying to be confident but utterly failing. 

"Tell me why when we come back from our trip this house looks like a fucking dump explain that to us now brat." He yells at me I can't even come up with anything to say cause I knew this would happen and saying something will just make it worse but also not saying a word will have the same effect so either way they both end in horrible consequences. So I just stayed silent with my head down then all of a sudden I felt something hit me it was quick and fast and with the force behind it sent me to the ground  my cheek was now stinging and the bruises that would form would be very noticeable due to my pale complexion I groaned from the pain.  "Have you decided to speak yet or do you need more convincing to help you decide." The bitch I called my stepmother said in a voice that was sickly sweet that could manipulate you into doing anything she says. I remained silent waiting for what was to come next.

The bitch stomped her heel on my hand I bit my tongue to stop from yelling causing it to bleed than she dragged her long sharp fingernails from my cheek to underneath my chin causing my cheek to bleed then my father came in and kicked me in my side multiple times I could feel some of my ribs break I grunted in pain from the blows, stinging hand and cheek I felt my vision blurring but I didn't pass out."Next time this house better be spotless." I hear my father say then I hear the front door close I stay still for a minute to make sure they are goon. Then I slowly get up trying not to aggravate my injuries and slowly make my way to my room once I'm there I close and locked my door and then make my way to my ensuite bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and see the extent of my injuries and notice my empty lifeless eyes that show how broken I am just going through the motions every day and pretending to be someone I was not just so people don't worry. I reach my hand to get the razor blade on the cabinet and roll up my sleeve and drag the blade across my arm it stings at first but once I see my blood seep through the cut I knew it was worth it to know that you are still alive but to punish yourself for what  you have done I cut myself a few more times. I put the blade back on the cabinet and grab some bandages to cover my wounds and I head back into my room and change into a red T-shirt and a pair of black shorts. I lay in bed knowing I won't be able to get any sleep for hours cause of all the nonanswered questions I have and searching for the answers.    

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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