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It was in the middle of school year,  a freshman student Janna Massey, was accused that she's out of her mind,  because after she go to her campus library,  she's talking alone,  sometime she was so afraid seeing many people.  Her father,  consult her at the psychology. But even the doctor said that Janna was find maybe her talking alone because she's a shy type person. But her classmate know what the real happen to janna

It was breaktime,  when janna ask me to go to the library,  by the way im Gigi her bestfriend  . Were classmate since elementary and now were classmate again,  i know janna,  she is a happy, kind and beautiful student.  Even were young she has a suitors,, that was daniel.  Any way that time,  im so busy for my assignment so i couldn't go to come with her.  But i say that i will follow her after i finish my assignment.  Then she go to the library alone,  our library was at the end of our campus,  to be honest i never go there cause some senior student say that the campus library was curse one. 

I've done my assignment , i took off my things and follow janna.

But im shocks, i saw her full of blood smiling like a devil at the horror movie.  I cant up my knee,  im so fear.  Until janna notice me, she fast as a wind,  she'.s suddenly at my front.  I was so affraif so i fell on the ground and didn't the next happening but one i only know that janna is posses by a

D E V I L.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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