Chapter one: A Hero Overthrown

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It was Saturday, another happy day passed in Big City, USA. The bank of the city is usually crowded, but this day it was overcrowded. The bank had golden pillars and a marble floor. People lined up before scattered desks to be helped by the tellers. No one appeared to have been rejected, because they all had smiles from ear to ear and gladly shook the tellers' hands. Little did they know, at this bank, happy moments don't last for long.

Five armed robbers with whiskers and rat-ears attached to their black masks, "the Rat Pack", entered the bank. The leader was a fat man and had an empty bag in his hand and in the other he fired his revolver in the air to get everyone's attention.

"Facedown and hands over your heads. No talking. Don't let me tell you twice," he yelled and handed one of the tellers the bag. "Here fill this bag with as much money as you can." The poor hostage did as he was told.

Suddenly, one of the hostages shouted and pointed over to the window and the robbers filled with fear. A young boy about eleven wore a dark blue mask and identical gloves and boots. His suit had a cape attached to it. The suit was the similar color of the mask but it had a yellow lightning flash drawn on it.

The boy flew towards the window but had trouble breaking it. On the fifth try he shattered the glass. The pitiable boy jumped from the window-sill but he stepped on his cape and stumbled over it.

The Rat Pack roared with laughter, "Oh it's you. Finish him boys don't waste your bullets on him; he's not worth it," the leader ordered his men, "For a second there I thought I saw one of his brothers."

The boy's face turned bright red, "Yes I'm worth it, you'll see you ignorant thieve." he said and charged towards one of his friends. He touched him and a spark of electricity shot out of his fingertips.

"That didn't hurt," he said and chuckled.

"I changed my mind. Kill him," the leader said. In less than a minute the young hero was on the ground. The thinnest of the Rat Pack men hauled him by the arms and tied him to a chair. The leader shook his head and smiled sinisterly. He held the bag and began walking towards the door. The young boy tried with all his might to break free of the ropes but they wouldn't budge.

Just when the robbers were about to open the door, three people entered the bank. All the hostages cheered as they saw who it was.

"The Ziblings came to rescue us!" one of them said.

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