The opportunity of a lifetime

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y/n : your name
y/h/c : your hair color
y/e/c : your eye color
y/n/n : your nick name

Your POV

"Y/n! We're going out! Don't leave the house and don't answer the door if someone knocks. We will be back around eleven. Bye!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

"Okay, bye!" I yell back. I hear the door slam and the car start up. I sigh and lay my fist on my cheek as i turn my head back to my computer screen and continue working on my essay. Ugh this is so pointless I think to myself. Suddenly my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and my best friend Amya's excited voice blares through my speakers.
"Y/N! OH. MY. GOD. THEY ARE HOLDING AUDITIONS TOMORROW FOR UMBRELLA ACADEMY SEASON TWO!" she yells. My heart stops. Ever since I was a little girl I have always wanted to act. I have auditioned for things many times and a few times I have gotten parts, but I always lived to far away or we couldn't afford to go move out to where I had to film. But this time it would be totally convenient, seeing as I live only a few hours away from Toronto where they film The Umbrella Academy. This is the opportunity of a freaking lifetime. "Hello?" Amya's voice snaps me out of my daze.
"What sorry hi" I say as fast as I can. The excitement of what I just heard went from my brain to my mouth. "OH MY GODDDD YESSSSSSS. THIS IS MY LIFELONG DREAM THANK YOU SO MUCH A" I yell and jump up and down, flipping my hair and then quickly covering my mouth with my hand. Amya giggles through the phone.
"No problem. You should totally audition y/n/n" Amya says. I felt like I was going to pass out from excitement.
"Yes! Definitely. Thank you so much A. I love you!" I exclaim, excitement still flowing through my body.
"That's what I'm here for. Love ya too girl. Talk to you tomorrow" Amya says before ending the call. I immediately text my mom about it and she said it would be okay if I auditioned.

After about five minutes of having a mini freak out, I exited my essay paper and looked up all the information I needed to know about the auditions. I got ready for bed and just laid there, for hours, not being able to wipe the smile off my face, until I finally drifted off to sleep.


How was that for a first chapter? Uf hopefully I can update a lot😬 Sorry Aidan wasn't in this chapter. He will be in the next one.

i'm lucky i found you| Aidan Gallagher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now