Why me?

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Your POV

It had been about a month and a half since we had started filming, and if i'm being honest, it has been absolutely incredible. I have gotten really close with the rest of the cast and my hair and makeup lady, Martha. Me and Aidan have gotten closer too. We hang out all the time and walk to the makeup trailer together and eat together, and he even almost has me convinced to go vegan. Everything was perfect, as far as our relationship goes. Well, almost everything...me and Aidan haven't talked about what happened between us for weeks, and as much as I wanted to be okay with it, I wasn't. Not a word about the pizza, or the park, or the hug that we shared that honestly felt like more than a friend hug. Not a word about the holding hands or the basically cuddling or that he came and helped me that day at the reading. Not a word about anything, and it deeply bothered me. I'm not gonna lie, I have been obsessing over him for two months and I try my very hardest to not show it, but I don't think that comes through. I wanted more than anything for him to just tell me that he has true feelings for me, hug me or kiss me or do something to make me feel better about this whole situation, but I know that he only thinks of me as a friend. As much as I don't want to admit it, it low key hurts.

"Y/n?!" I quickly sit up straight and turn off the tv when I hear Aidan's voice. The door suddenly bursts in and Aidan comes rushing in.
"What's wrong?" I ask, slightly overwhelmed.
"Nothing" Aidan says shaking his head and smiling. He lets out a deep breath. "Hey" I blush slightly and look at my hands.
"Uh hey" I smile back shyly. We sit there awkwardly for what feels like an hour. "So uh why are you here?" Aidan gives me a jokingly hurt look. He puts his hand against his heart and gasps. "Do you not want me here?!" he exclaims, his mouth open and in a smile.
"No no" I giggle. "I just thought you had more scenes to shoot today" I say, fully turning my body towards him. Aidan shakes his head.
"Nah I finished about five minutes ago" he says gesturing towards his number five outfit that he was still wearing. He did really look adorable in those school boy shorts.
"Oh" I say smiling. "So uh what do you want to do?" I ask. He just shrugs and looks around the room.
"There's not really much to do in this trailer" he laughed. "Tv?" He asks grabbing the remote. I agree and he turns the tv on and goes straight to Netflix.
"Have you heard of stranger things?" he asks. "It's really good" I gasp.
"Oh my god yeah i've heard of it but i've never watched it. I've heard great things about it though" I say. "Let's watch it!" I exclaim. He squeals excitedly and puts it on. We watched four episodes straight without stopping. It is so good! I have already cried several times and we haven't even gotten to the sad parts.

"Goodbye mike" the tv rings out. Tears are streaming down my face rapidly as Eleven disappears. I look over at Aidan and tears brim his eyes as well. He looks down at me and I quickly wiped my eyes. He did too and we both smiled awkwardly and looked back at the tv. Aidan sets his hand back down on the couch, brushing mine and slightly laying on it in the process. My stomach lurches forward and my whole body goes stiff. I look up at him and he is looking straight in front of him, a neutral expression on his face. I slowly look back towards the tv and calm down slightly, turning my attention back to the show playing on the tv.

It had been three more hours and our hands hadn't moved, neither have we. The fourth episode of the second season ends and Aidan suddenly moves. My heart starts to beat fast, thinking that he was trying to move closer to me, but begins to slow down when I realize that he was just moving to look at his phone. My hand immediately feels the cold air on it, after being shielded by the warmness of Aidan's hand. "Holy shit" Aidan exclaims, quickly turning off him phone and jumping up off the couch. I stand up too and look at him with confusion. "It's already 10 o'clock!" he says grabbing his jacket and then putting it back down again. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom again and then I have to go" and he turns and runs to the bathroom. Several dings come from his phone but I ignore it and figure it's probably just Cameron or someone. The bathroom door suddenly bursts open and Aidan comes running out, grabbing his jacket again and heads for the door. I follow him to lock the door behind him. He stops and looks at me for a second. I quickly look at him as well, gazing into his eyes. Oh how i've missed looking at those gorgeous green eyes. I just stand there, admiring all the features of his beautiful face, when the sound of his voice snaps me out of my trance. "Thank you for letting me stay" he smiles. I look down at my feet and smile too.
"Yeah if course! Anytime I had a lot of fun" I say looking into his eyes once again. He smiles at me and then reaches for the door handle.
"Me too. See you tomorrow!" he waves goodbye and closes the door. Right as I was about to lock it, another ding echoes around the room. I immediately look down at my phone, but there are no notifications. I glance towards the couch and see Aidan's phone still lying on the arm. I run over and grab it. Shit! I turned the phone over to see three text notifications.

My love💗

My love💗
What's up?

My love💗
I just wanted to say hi and that i miss you soooo much! Can't wait to see you soon! Ily❤️

My stomach drops all the way down to my toes. I feel like i'm going to cry. My breath is heavy as I slowly collapse onto the couch, Aidan's phone still clutched in my cold hand. I obsessed over him for months! Of course he has a "love" Why would he tell me! A silent tear slowly rolls down my cheek. Why me?


Hiiii yalll!! I am so sorry I haven't updated in literally a year. My brother has been in the hospital for like three weeks and I had a lot of testing and things have just been really stressful. I promise i'm going to seriously try to update weekly, daily if I can but that might be a stretch lol. Point is you will get more updates soon😁 Also sorry this is kinda a short chapter.

On another note....

AHHHHHH OMGGGG IM LITERALLY SCREAMING!!!!!! 5K READS!?!?! THIS IS INSANE! Thank you all so much you all mean the world to me and i'm so glad that you all support my book despite the horrible habit i have of not updating

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AHHHHHH OMGGGG IM LITERALLY SCREAMING!!!!!! 5K READS!?!?! THIS IS INSANE! Thank you all so much you all mean the world to me and i'm so glad that you all support my book despite the horrible habit i have of not updating. I honestly could never ask for better readers. Y'all are amazing💕❤️
Thank you so much!

K baiiii✌️

i'm lucky i found you| Aidan Gallagher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now