Daddy!Dean: A Vampire-y Nightmare

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Dean finally says yes to take his daughter on the next hunt, and though the work is done it's scarred her and she has a panic attack which wakes him up, and he tries to calm her down.

Of course you had finally gotten him to take you out on a hunt. You were fifteen and you convinced him that you had inherited his strength and his love for hunting the stuff of nightmares. He had done it all his life, it was after all the Winchester Family Business. 

But still, after tracking and hunting down a pack of vampires, life hadn't been quite the same.

It had started as an easy day; you, your dad Dean Winchester and your uncle Sam had been sitting in the motel room for hours, you and Sam doing research and reading lore and Dean getting burgers and watching this really cliche Grey's Anatomy spinoff, Dr. Sexy, MD, without neither of you questioning it. His strange tastes in entertainment followed you to every city where supernatural creatures were breaking bad. This time, there was a pack of vampires who had taken a lot of people over the last few weeks, and it was time to put them out for good.
At nightfall, the three of you had gone to a seemingly empty warehouse in the middle of nowhere where you knew they'd be - and you had split up into two teams; you with Sam, and your dad alone. Dean kept telling you on the drive there that it was okay to back down, he'd take you back to the motel, but you just said no, just to get him to think you were strong and fearless like every Winchester in the hunting clan.
You had been searching through the warehouse for around ten minutes when you heard the sound of slashing from a blade and you knew it was your dad, decapitating a vampire, but this was still your first hunt, so you walked closer to Sam, to be on the safe side.
You finally met up with Dean again in an big, open hall, and you could hear the noises from all around the building and you panicked a little, holding your blade up in front of you as if a vampire would jump out right in front of you and strike.
That was a mistake, because you stood fifteen feet away from your dad when someone threw an arm around your shoulders, gripped your blade and held it so close to your throat that you could feel the cold steel burning against your neck. You let out a blood-curdling scream, panicked. Sam and Dean turned to you quickly, they hadn't paid attention, and you were almost paralyzed with fear.
"Dad," you whimpered. Your dad lifted his "vamp-throat-slasher" as he so delicately had called it, gripping it tightly with both hands as if he was just about to strike, and he stared down the vamp, his green eyes shining with fury and worry. You knew instantly that even if you got hurt or were killed, your death would be avenged immediately after. And even if you didn't, the monster had already sealed his own fate.
"Well, if it isn't a daddy's girl right here," the vamp whispered into your ear, the tone of his voice making your skin crawl.
"Baby, it's going to be okay," Dean said cautiously as he moved slowly but steadily towards you and the vamp. Sam walked the other way, as to surround the vampire, only the two of them. The vampire reached his face down to your neck again.
"Let's check out if he'd still love you if you were a monster, like me?" he asked, and you felt his breath on your neck. "It would throw a wrench into the family business if it got out that your daddy was raising a vamp? Maybe I'd take you for myself."
In the fraction of a second you pulled up the small knife you had stashed under your belt, just in case. Your dad hadn't told you to do it, you had just taken precautions, and it came in handy now. You slipped a hand out of his arms and got yourself turned around just when he was about to sink his teeth into your neck, and stuck the knife clean through his throat. In the moment of confusion he dropped the weapon he had held to your throat, and you quickly picked it back up and decapitated the vampire. That was your first kill. With a long spatter of blood across your face, staring with no expression at the creature of the night, you realized what you had just done. Sam and Dean stood behind you, struck with awe and surprise when your dad realized this was too much for you, and just before you collapsed, he caught your fall and picked you up and ran you to the car while Sam took care of the rest of the pack on his own.

The whole fight hadn't been without some blood spilled on the right team, you had gotten yourself a pretty long cut from where you had slipped up the knife from under your belt. You were quickly carried like a child into the motel room by Dean, who put you on the bed and pulled down your pants as you winced in pain, and Sam got the medical kit. Dean had told you over and over that it was going to be okay, he held you tightly in his arms while Sam sewed you up, and you were carefully rocked while you passed out again from the pain.

Now here you are in your bed at home a week later, waking up from a nightmare where you relived every second from that traumatizing hunt where you took your first life. There's been a lot of these horrible dreams lately, and they're only getting worse with every passing night, to the point where you've been trying to stay awake for days at a time, but always fall apart and end up in that bad place again.
You sit up in bed, tears streaming like wild waterfalls down your face, feeling as if your heart is going to rip itself out of your chest. Your breath is so quick it feels like you're going to collapse, the room spinning at a hundred miles an hour.
You don't know yet if you are relieved or that you don't really want to show your dad how fragile you are after that hunt, but the door to your room hasn't exactly been closed and Dean Winchester rushes in the next moment in his pajamas, and is right by your side the fraction of a second later, putting a hand on your shoulder and another one on your face.
"Oh my god. Ellie?" he asks. In the light of the hallway outside your bedroom door, you can see that his eyes are filled to the brim with worry. Just the feeling of him being close to you, protecting you, not being alone, fills you with a slight but immediate sense of calm. But it's not enough. Not nearly enough.
He pulls you up, covers and all, close to his chest, making your back rest in his arm and the other hand stroking the hair and the tears away from your face. "Shh," he whispers in the darkness, his voice almost inaudible from the sound of your heart feeling like it's gonna beat itself out of your chest.
"Shh, Ellie. It's gonna be alright. I'm right here." There are so many emotions on his face. Concern, sadness, worry - and there's a tiny bit of pride, too, you can swear you can see a glimpse of pride on his face even in this situation. And that's when you start crying your heart out. You sit up, clinging to him like a monkey and burying your face in his shoulder, as you did when you were a child, when you had just lost your mom and he was the only person in the world left to take care of you.
"It's okay, kiddo," he whispers, caressing your hair while you bawl into his shoulder. "Just calm down, it's all gonna be okay." He hugs you even tighter when he feels you calming down a little. You know he hates seeing you like this; that's the reason you have hid your feelings ever since the hunt, but this time it has taken over everything and you can't seem to stop it. Luckily, your dad is there to try and make it okay again even though you know you won't ever be okay.
"I'm sorry," you whimper and try to stop and swallow down your feelings. "I lied when I told you I was ready, and I'm sorry." You mumble and pull your face from his shoulder. He silently, with a soft face expression, wipes away your tears and puts a hand on your neck, pulling you in to kiss you on your forehead.
"I'm the one who should be sorry, you are fifteen and way too young to tag along on a hunt and I should have known," he whispers. You shake your head, sniffling loudly and taking a deep, shaky breath. You both sit there in silence for a moment until he speaks up again.
"But I'm so proud of you, kiddo. You were great. Considering the circumstances, you had the strength to kill that vamp yourself and you have no idea how much I admire you for that." He gives you a big smile through the dark and you can't help but smile a little, too. He wipes away some more tears. "And I know it all seems wrong now and you feel like you're lost. But you're not alone in this, okay? Me and Sam will be here all the way and you don't have to be afraid of anything. I want you to know that, okay?"
You sniffle, smile a little and look down. "Okay," you whisper. He pulls you back into his arms and rocks you for a moment. "Shh," he whispers to make sure you are completely calmed down again. He silently places you back down on the pillows, tucking you into your blanket. "Do you want me to go?" he asks as he pulls his legs down from the twin-sized bed. You've closed your eyes, but you open them again, reaching out your hand. You don't want him to go.
You lift up your blanket, and he climbs back up into the bed, putting the blanket over the both of you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissing your forehead before whispering good night. 

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