Chapter 1

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*Tyler's POV*

We arrived at out new house, not so far from LA. It's the second time I moved but it was always exciting. It always felt like a new adventure.

I turned off the car and unbuckled myself, looking at Korey as he smiled at me.

I smiled back and opened the car's door, placing my feet on the ground and standing up, accidentally hitting my head on the roof of my car.

I groaned in pain as Sawyer got out of the back seat and laughed.

I gave him a death glare and passed him, purposely hitting his shoulder.

I walked to the back of the car and saw Korey struggling with some bags. I quickly scooped the bags out of his arms before he toppled over.

"Thanks" he chuckled and grabbed the last two bags before slamming the trunk door shut.

I turned around and began walking to the house, stopping before I got ran over by the big, muscular guys who were carrying my subtle brown sofa.

Damn mama is thirsty.

Once they got through the doors, I swooped in after them and walked to the kitchen, placing the bags by the kitchen island. I sighed quietly, yelling to no one in particular that I was going for a walk around the neighborhood.

Nobody answered, I assumed it was okay and began searching for my earphones. I walked into the living room, seeing opened boxes, the empty ones were thrown into a corner. I walked into the dining room, jumping back so I didn't end up colliding with Korey.

"Hey, Korey. Did you see my earphones?" I asked, watching him walk past me. I rolled my eyes. "KOREY! Where the hell are my earphones?!"

He stopped and turned around, begging to mutter to himself on where it could be. He frowned a bit and said "Go look in the car" so I did.

The august sun was beating down harshly as I walked to my black car, grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. I opened the little drawer between the seats and spotted my earphones. Struggling, I got out of the small car, trying to untangle the earphones. I was a mess. My perfect blue quiff was falling onto my forehead and sweat began to cover my face. Not to mention that the small lump on my head wasn't helping at all. 'What a nice day' I muttered darkly in my head, sticking the tiny earphones into my ear.
There were perks to being the last house on the end of the block, with no other roads except the one you live on. It was more quiet, more relaxing. You barely heard traffic, the only sounds of cars was when someone took a wrong turn and had to drive to the end of the street to turn around. Plus, you can just walk on the middle if the road without having to look out for cars coming in from behind you.
That's what I was currently doing, walking on the short white stripes on the road slowly, taking in the small town and the slight evening breeze. It was only six PM but I already knew I was going to like this place.
"Hey!" Somebody yelled, sounding awfully close. I froze, peering around and spotting a tall, dirty blond haired boy with dark blue eyes. 'He looks friendly' I decided as he got closer, soon standing in front of me.

"Hi! I'm Caspar Lee" he introduced himself, staring down at me. I smiled up at him and informed him. "Hello, my name's Tyler Oakley. I just moved into the house at the end of the street" Caspar nodded.

"Cool! I'll be sure to come visit sometime, neighbor. It was nice meeting you!" He then jogged off, I couldn't help but notice how cute his bum looked.

I shrugged and began walking again, humming softly under my breath as I took in my surroundings. I looked around, watching my reflection in some of the windows, when I reached the end of the street.

I looked right first, seeing a rather busy intersection. Then I looked left.

The boy who stood there was... Beautiful. He had chocolate brown hair and his skin looked pale from my side of the street. 'Its probably soft' I thought. His long skinny legs were covered in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt clung to his frame. I was captivated by him. 'This is silly' I thought, shaking my head to myself.

"Hello!" I called, watching him jump a bit, his startled ways making me coo internally.
I began walking over but then a black car pulled up and he climbed in, the car zooming away as soon as the door was closed. I frowned, utterly confused why he wanted to get away.

I sighed and made my way back to the house, shutting the door behind me harshly as I took the earphones off.
"How was the walk?" Sawyer asked, his tone not sounding really interested as he fell on the nylon covered couch.
I shrugged and told him about Caspar, feeling this need to keep the boy at the end of the street a secret.
Korey jumped into the room, offering we should invite Caspar over sometime. All I did was shrug and dismiss myself from the conversation, 'being too tired'. I headed upstairs and began searching for my room. Once I found it, I flicked on the light switch and took off my clothes, looking at the boxes piled in the corner.
I decided to unpack tomorrow, seeing as I was a tired and lazy arse.

I snuggled under my blanket, yawning before closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep when I heard something hitting my window. I huffed, throwing the covers off me and trudging to my window, sliding it up. I opened it up at the wrong time and ended up getting hit with a small rubber elastic.

I yelped, flinching away. "I'm so sorry!" I heard Caspar whisper-yell. I looked up, seeing him standing in the window directly in front of mine. I felt my jaw drop as I realized that he could've been watching me.

"Nice body" I herd Caspar say, making me snap out of my thought and blush.

"Goodnight Caspar" I told him strictly, stepping out of view and began moving my bed to ensure he couldn't watch me sleep. The last thing I heard that night was Caspar's laughter.


Hi everybooty, my name is Dawn and self promo shit here:
Twitter- @Asa_Bopp_Butter
Tumblr- @TroyeSlay-van
Instagram- @DawnSivanX
(Follow back on everything)

Sorry if the story is too similar to the Muke version (which you should definitely read if you're into 5sos). perfxctashton wrote the whole fanfiction about Muke (Luke Hemmongs and Michael Clifford) and I just changed the names and situations etc. so THANK YOU for letting me write this, queen, go give her some loveeee (AKA follow her here) and yeah,

Peace & Pout
I'm done.

~Dawn x

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