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Third person pov

She loved him.
He used her.

She gave him everything.
He took everything.

She was loyal.
He was not.

Then he left her.
Now she's broken.

The blistering heat of Britannia's sun scorched down upon Y/N, causing her skin to acquire a lovely sun-kissed hue. Her long legs dangled carelessly over the side of the marina, sometimes sloshing accidentally in the blue water. The tears that rained down over her face felt hot on her cheeks, what he'd said to her continuously replaying through her mind.

"I never loved you, "

They hurt her more than anyone could imagine. The man who promised to one day marry her saying that broke her in more ways than one. Though her heart still fluttered for the male she once called her own she didn't know whether to be livid or devastated. She completely disregarded the hours slowly dissipating until the start of may showers spattered against the bare skin of her shoulders. Y/n stood up, wiping her cheeks that weren't just wet from the rain and strode off to the north, towards the bar she's heard had just opened. In times of sadness people have coping mechanisms to get themselves through the day, y/n's, for instance, was drowning her sorrows in alcohol and good food so when she'd heard of The Boar Hat tavern she decided to try it out. In less than thirty minutes the small, two storied tavern made its way into view and y/n picked up speed, tears threatening her again. She entered the bar and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was mostly packed, though she is an introvert, less people would notice if she were to break into tears, which was inevitable, it was the kind of drunk that she was. She stalked up to the counter and slumped exhaustedly into a stool.
"H-hello mi-miss, whatever can I-I get you?" the high, shrill voice of the Lions sin, Escanor, rang. The voice reminded y/n of someone she used to know, a young girl who went by the name of Abigail. "S-some whiskey and soda please, " she whimpered, her voice breaking more than once in the span of three seconds. The man looked at her with a raised brow before pouring the requested drink and gently placing it in front of her. "Th-thank you~ how much will that be?" y/n inquires positioning the glass before her lips in order to drink. "Oh~ no need to worry, mi-miss, it's on me! You look as though you're having a terrible day," Escanor says, flashing the broken girl before him a tender smile. If she'd had any alcohol in her mouth at this point, y/n would have choked on it. "You could say that again," she snorted before dragging the drink up to her lips and taking a long swig. Escanor, being the curious type, wanted to inquire further on what y/n had said. Deciding to he made sure to word his question carefully. "May I ask why you say that?" He asked. Y/n looked up at him, the facade she'd attempted to keep up slowly fading away. "Hm, well when your fiancé says he never loved you and takes everything from you you aren't the happiest," She chuckled, Escanor noted that although her tone was joking and light the emotion behind her words was a tsunami, and for some reason a flame of fury ignited in his chest. "What? That's horrible! How dare he?!" He growled, his tone now less timid and more so angered. Y/n simply laughed before taking another swig from her drink which only broke the lion sins heart more for the girl. "I've been asking myself that for the past hours," she chuckles before finishing off her drink. Suddenly the facade, which up to that point y/n was doing a good job keeping up, washed away and she felt the familiar welling of tears in her eyes. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have any money, or means to get any, and he took my house!" She sobbed. Y/n didn't understand why she was confiding in this man but it filled her with a soothing sensation she'd not felt, even when talking to her previous lover. Escanor, understanding the girls pain, patted her back and poured her another drink. "Hey, shh, I can help you out, don't worry," he whispered in the most comforting manner that he could muster up and slid her the drink. "Drink your sorrows away, miss, I'll be right back!" Escanor said hurrying off. Y/n chugged back the alcohol as though it was water and held her head in her hand. A few moments later, as promised, Escanor returned with a small male. His emerald eyes narrowed as he captures a glimpse at y/n. He walked up to her and kneeled in front of her, eye level with y/n. "Escanor here tells me you've got no house nor a job, is that correct?" he asked in a low, calming purr. Escanor stood off to the side, a fluorescent pink lightly dusted over his cheeks. Y/n slowly nods before looking down at the shaking palms in her lap. "I do need help running the tavern, as well as a cook since Ban left, can you do those tasks?" the small male asks, his eyes boring into y/n. She ponders for a moment before nodding quietly. "I was a manager at a restaurant a few years ago and head chef at my old job, " She explains, her hands no longer shaking. "Alright, in exchange for a place to stay and eat in you'll help me run the tavern and cook, " he said with a smile. Y/n nodded, a small blush on her face, either due to the alcohol in her system or... other reasons...
"My name is Meliodas, and yours is?" the man now identified as Meliodas asked standing up and holding out his hand. Y/n eagerly took it. "My name? My name is y/n!" she smiled shaking the male's hand. Meliodas smiled and let go of her hand. "Welcome aboard the team, y/n!" he smiled

"Y/n, that's a pretty name, " the small voice of Escanor rung from behind the scene, barely audible at all.

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