Five of sluts ~ All

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A chirp caught my attention and I looked up to see that my best friend had texted me with big bold capitalized letters,"OPEN WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE, THIS IS NSFW." I raised an eyebrow at her message and snatched it off of my desk, realizing that she had attached a link to the conversation: She had to be kidding me.

I clicked on the link holding it close to my chest so no one could see what was happening on my screen, then scanned the website's information. It was a stupid test to calculate what kind of kinks you were into. I could not believe this.

I waited for my lunch break to take the test and  when I finished the test, I stared at my screen for a solid fifteen minutes. Calling my best friend, I made my way to the elevator through the bustling people hurrying in and out of the large building that I worked in.

"So? What did you get?"she rushed out  breathlessly to ask me my results.

"Trust me, man, you don't want to see these test results." I assured my best friend, heading up to the floor I work on. She let out a sigh then said,"Well, call me when you get out and we'll talk til you get home, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Later, loser." I ended the call and glanced down at my phone screen that held my results. I was apparently very diverse in my tastes.

Somehow in the midst of my clumsiness, my heel stuck to the floor and I stumbled forward, my phone sliding across the floor into a well polished dress shoe. A pale hand stretched down and they scooped it up, emerald eyes scanning the information on the screen.

Michael Clifford, my boss, was looking over my kinks. Someone kill me now. Shoot me through the window or something, anything to get me out of that situation.

"Miss. Y/L/N, I believe that is yours?"he asked, stretching my phone back. I opened my mouth to reply but he held up a finger, reaching into his jacket pocket before pulling out a card.

"Come here tonight."he offered after I took the item he stretched out to me. And with that, he disappeared into his office, leaving me along with my stupid test results and a card with an address printed on it.

"I don't know, should I go to it?" I asked, looking through my closet to help me debate my options. My cat, Salem gave a lazy meow in response and I rolled my eyes, snagging a black skirt that barely brushed my ass when I wear it and a pretty blouse that was low cut.

"Can't believe that I'm really going to do this." I murmured against smoothing my skirt down one final time as I got out of the cab, glancing up at the medium sized building that had a blinking sign that read,"Five of Sluts." Just by the name, I'm tempted to leave, then I spotted someone watching me and that someone was absolutely gorgeous.

He had honey brown eyes and his face was obviously chiseled by the gods, with his tan skin skin complemented by the leather jacket that he was wearing.

"You lookin' a bit lost there, pretty girl."he stated, flicking away his cigarette after his last drag.

"I-I.. no, not lost, my friend invited me to come tonight and I've never been." I informed him, stepping a bit closer to him. He hummed and nodded,stepping forward, before he asked,"So you're Michael's guest then?"

"Yeah, I guess you could call me that." He flashed me a grin, white teeth shining under the lights of the sign, and he stated,"Come on in, I'll show you where to find him, I'm Calum by the way."

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