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I walked Along the hallway with the bar dragon stalls. I stopped at flower, A Blossom dragons, .cage. I moved closer to the pink dragons cage and she hrred as I patted her. " Good girl," I said as she took a chicken leg I held out for her " I love you. Your my favorite dragon. " I walked over to the dragon in front if her. They always stood right in the front of the stall. " Thunder, I'm going to take you out." I said. " And Lightning." I put a leash on both. ' busy. Day " I thought.

" Good boy. " I said as thunder went poo. I cleaned It up and kept walking with the dragons. A couple blocks later, lighting squatted and went pee. " Good boy. " said I again. Then, we came across my freind, owner of another dragon shelter with Molly, and 1 year old dragon. He was squatting, a puddle forming around him. " Hi Kathrine, Molly." I greeted them. " How's it going, Down on Hue St?" She shook her head. " What happened? What's wrong?" I worried out loud. She just shook her head again. Why couldn't I comfort her? What was wrong? I got interrupted from my thoughts, and got an answer." Sawyer." She whispered." He-He can't go to to the bathroom anymore." She staggered the last part. " You mean-?"

" Yes. He has a urination problem. And it's getting worse at the second."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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