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I live on with no regret every single day

I tried

And I should

Faith brings us everywhere

I could be gone the next moment

A person could come up to me

Threaten me and kill me

Or a drunk driver could run over me

I suddenly have a heart attack

An airplane crashed our house

You never know

I never will know

But no matter what

I want to die with no regret

Every day

Every moment

Next moment

I want to be able to tell the world

My story

My life

What secret I am living on

What lies I've told

What ideas I have

What happened in my life

I want no regret

When I am taken away

But it's impossible

Cause I have last words

Everyone has last words

But not everyone gets to say it

So I wrote it down

I wrote down my last words

Every single day

And guess what?


You are reading it right now

You are reading my last words

My regrets

Right now

Poetry of My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now