Chapter 9: Mechanical Heart

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Song Quote: Shelter
"And it's a long way forward, so trust in me I'll give them shelter, like you've done for me And I know, I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us Until you're gone"

Your Pov:
You ran around in circles on the top deck dragging Lloyd around in a cardboard box. Giggles escaped the boys lips with each twist and turn you pulled him along.

Even you couldn't help enjoy yourself as well. It was funny earlier when the smaller boy attempted to drag you around in the box but couldn't move it an inch.

"Ten minutes. He just broke his own record the guy is inhuman!" Kai exclaimed as the three ninja crowded around a timer.

This stopped you both listening to the three. They were timing to see how long Zane could hold his breath underwater.

Zane swam back to the surface taking in a deep breath.
You and Lloyd stopped for a moment to look over the edge at the ice ninja.

"Amazing!" Cole exclaimed as they all cheered for the white ninja.

"We're not worthy!" Jay exclaimed falling to the floor to bow.

"I broke the record?" Zane asked smiling as he paddles in the water.

"You destroyed it!" Kai exclaimed holding the clock up.

"Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished" Jay said to his brothers while Cole practiced his moves.

The ninja talked about all of their physical accomplishments proud of themselves.

"The question should be raised perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane asked looking around at his brothers.

The ninja decided to go ask their master and as they walked towards his room they boasted once again.

"Did they reach their full potential?" Lloyd asked you curiously.

"I doubt it. Afterall we never truly stop growing" you replied leaning up against the railing next to the boy.
"Potential is something we haven't fully explored about ourselves..."

You thought to yourself looking at your hands. Wondering what could lie behind your broken memories and what potential lies within yourself.


Third Person's Pov:
"Well, every morning I do five hundred pushups" Zane said to his brothers "five hundred? Try a thousand" Kai retorted proudly.

"Ha, I do a thousand and one" Jay interjected "What is this? Amateur hour? Sounds like a warm up" Cole boasted before addressing his teacher "Sensei, what does true potential look like if-" He stopped mid sentence and they all quieted down when they saw their sensei gazing at a sword sadly.

"Our apologies Sensei, We've interrupted you" Zane spoke softly as the four of them bowed apologetically.

"I'm sorry if I've been distant lately, my mind has been elsewhere I've been thinking about the past... What do you need?" He asked staring off into the distance.

"Sensei, what if we're done enough training? What if we reached our true potential? What if we're ready?" Cole questioned insisting Wu for a answer.

"You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and everyone of us, there are obstacles that hold us back only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Then you will reach your true potential"

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 ||Ninjago x Reader|| Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now