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The war for the frontier was the bloodiest war in human history. The IMC had millions of robots, but the Militia had more planetary support. New recruits were becoming harder to find however, as with every battle, thousands of lives would be lost. So when a new shipment of twenty recruits arrived, the general reaction was surprise. The standard tests were done and all were admitted. But one of them was special. This recruit passed with an unusually high score. She was given a unique codename and was admitted to a special squadron for the most elite pilots. The Wolfpack.

When Amelia Frost first heard of the squadron, the first thought that came to mind was a group, about twelve strong, of quiet, dedicated soldiers with some above average talents. What she did not expect was an overwhelming welcome. When the door to her dorm opened, two things hit her at once: The room wasn't very big, and there were four people waiting for her.
"There she is!" Exclaimed one of them, stepping forward. "Welcome to the Wolfpack, Six!" The woman was a few inches taller than the recruit's petit frame, with black hair tied back in a ponytail and a wide smile. Something else she wasn't expecting, a hug.
"Um, hi?" Said the recruit.
"Alright Dee, back off the newbie, let her at least introduce herself first." Said one of the men, a giant with a rumbling voice. The woman called Dee pouted.
"Fine B, hugs later. So, what's your name Six?"
"Um, m-my name's Amelia..."
"Sorry, Squad Leader doesn't like us using our real names. What B here should've asked was what's your codename." Said the other woman, with tangled blond hair, and a sharp look aimed at the large man.
"Wait, he's not the squad leader?" Asked Amelia. The one they had called B laughed.
"Nah, I'm big, but boss? He's on a whole other level. Anyway, your codename?"
She cleared her throat and repeated what she had been told to say.
"Foxtrot, reporting for duty!"
"Fox huh? Welcome to the Wolfpack! I'm Delta, but you can call me Dee for short!" She dropped her voice to a whisper "My actual name is Kiera, but try not to call me that around Boss, okay?"
She gave Fox a short hug, then hopped back. B was the next to step forward, he offered his hand for a handshake.
"Name's Bravo, but these guys call me B. I look forward to working with you." His handshake was almost painfully hard.
"Wait, so if I'm Foxtrot, and she's Delta, and you're Bravo, does that mean... When you called me six earlier, it's because I'm only the sixth member?"
"That's right newbie. I'm Three. Don't call me anything else." Said the third woman, her voice hard and cold.
"And this softie is Echo. He's from the last newbie shipment. No idea how he got assigned here because he's never been in an ACTUAL FIREFIGHT."
"C'mon Three, cut him some slack," complained Delta "Not all of us are as desperate to fight as you."
Echo was a kid, about Fox's height, with brown hair, and was no more than eighteen. He shifted uncomfortably, like he'd rather be somewhere else, maybe in an "actual firefight".
"So, you keep talking about the Boss..."
"Just Boss. It's a sign of respect. No-one else is like him after all." Said Three.
"R-right. Well, where is he?"
"Don't take it personally that he didn't show. He's got two codenames, Alpha, and Loner. Both are pretty accurate. He's the leader of the Wolfpack, but he also prefers to spend his time alone." Explained Bravo.
"Okay. This is a lot to take in and it's been a long day. I'm gonna turn in now. Which bunk is mine?"
There were four double layered beds, and Dee pointed at the two against the furthest wall.
"Bottom bunks on those two are free, so are the top bunks on the two on the right. Make yourself comfortable."
Realisation dawned.
"We all sleep in the same room?"
"Don't worry," assured Dee, "The boys are very well behaved. And if they aren't I'm sure it wouldn't take much convincing to get Three to kill them."
Three grunted in agreement. Echo flinched.
"Where does the-I mean Boss sleep?" Fox asked, slinging her bag under the nearest free bed.
"Well... Boss is a bit... unusual. He doesn't sleep in here often, but when he does, he sleeps in the middle of the floor." Explained B.
Fox blinked. "Like, on a mattress, or..."
"Nope. Dead centre on the floor. We never hear him enter, just wake up and bam. He's passed out in the middle of the room." Said Three.
"Okay..." Said the newbie, climbing onto the top bunk nearest the door and laying down on her bed. "Guess I'll see you in the morning"
After a few minutes of quiet chatter, each member of the squad went to their own bunks, Dee stopping to give Fox a quick cheerful "goodnight!" before climbing into the bed above her. And hours later, deep in the night, the doors slid back silently to reveal a figure in pilot gear, who moved without noise to observe the sleeping recruit, and then left, making no sound.

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