Too many words to say

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Fox was released from the hospital ward the next morning and was wandering back to the dorm when she ran into her least favorite person. Harvey grinned. He was shorter than B, but not by much, and was still more than a head taller than Fox's 5"9' frame.
"You really should be more aware of your surroundings newbie" he taunted "especially after your first visit to the infirmary. We don't want you back in there too quickly now."
"What's your problem? I know you hate Alpha because he's obviously stronger than you, and Echo showed you attitude, but why hate me and Dee and everyone else?"
Harvey went still for a second. His cocky smile disappeared. Then he spoke.
"It's because your whole squad is supposed to be 'better' than everyone else. Like you're something special. And every time I see that freak, or you, or David, I have to remember that I'm second place. You think that's fair? You think that doesn't wear a guy down after a few years? You're new, you don't get how things work yet, and that naïvety is the only thing more infuriating than..." He stopped talking abruptly, as if he'd said too much. There was silence between them.
"That's it? You're jealous? Christ, could you be any more childish?"
"No, no you don't UNDERSTAND." Harvey responded, raising his voice. He took a deep breath, before returning to a quieter tone. "Just ask your good friend B. He knows." He spat 'good friend' like the words were poison in his mouth.
"Harvey." Said a familiar voice from down the hallway. B looked angry for the first time since Fox had met him, and his tone was much colder than usual.
"Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear." Harvey leaned into Fox and whispered. "You better watch your back around this one, kid. There's nothing he won't betray for a chance to prove he's better than someone."
Then with a slight shove, he moved down the corridor.
"He didn't cause you too much trouble did he?" Asked B, walking over to her "And it's good to see you out of the hospital."
"He... told me why he hates us... why he hates you in particular. He said you'd betrayed him and... you might betray me too."
The large man sighed.
"Did he tell you the whole story?"
"Then I'll tell you on the way to the dorm."

"Me and Harvey first met in high school. We were both outcasts in our own way, me being reserved, yes hard to believe, I know, stop looking at me like that, but he was always... he had a lot of anger and a lot to prove. We had a positive effect on each other. He was more level headed with me to guide him and I would stand up for myself more because he inspired me to be more confident. As we got closer, he started to open up. His mother was dead and his dad was in some private military, so he lived with his father's sister, who was... unkind to say the least. He was used to pushing himself to breaking point and using violence as a response to failure. The IMC and Militia went to war around this time, and we both promised to fight side by side in the Militia, friends until the end. We grew older, we joined and..."
"You got into the Wolfpack." Cut in Fox. "And he didn't."
"We both did our best, but the higher ups... they must have seen something in me that wasn't in him. We got split up. Usually, there's a way to climb into the next squad but..."
"We all have something special" Fox recalled B's words from her first Titan simulation.
"And as such, Harvey can never progress higher than captain of First Squad. He used to act like it didn't bother him, we were still friends for a while, but one day he couldn't take it anymore and told me how he hated what had happened and how he hated me. This rift between us? It's never going away. I just wish we could be friends again."
Fox was silent for a while.
"He's still an ass." she said.
"Yeah. Yeah he is. But I sympathize with him still. His life's been far from easy."
They arrived at the dorm.
"Well, time for your triumphant return. Hopefully you won't end up back in the infirmary too quickly, but it's always more of a matter of when, rather than if." B smiled at her without much humour. They walked into the dorm. It was empty.
"Well shit. Looks like the others are off somewhere." Said B. "But I think I have an idea of where."

Bravo led Fox through a labyrinth of intersecting corridors. Fox was lost almost immediately, but B didn't falter, walking steadfastly ahead. After a few minutes, the corridor opened up into a huge hanger. There were over fifty Titans suspended on cables over a massive pair of bay doors and steel walkways were sturdily fastened to the walls, allowing for easy access to the Titan's cockpits.
"They should be this way." B stated, walking towards the furthest set of Titans. "And even if they aren't, you can at least be introduced to Simon."
"Who's Simon? A mechanic?"
Bravo chuckled.
"No, but he does know a lot about machines."
They crossed the walkways and arrived at the set of Titans that B had pointed out. Five of them were vanguard class, stereotypical Militia Titans with an adaptable kit, but there was one thing that really caught Fox's eye. The furthermost Titan, in the corner of the hanger was an IMC Scorch Titan in a familiar orange and black paint job.
"Is that... Alpha's Titan?"
The Scorch model was out of place amongst the angular Vanguards, not only was it not the green/grey of the other Titans, it was larger and curved, a brute surrounded by the other, nimbler units.
"Yo, Simon! I brought the newest recruit, come say hello!" B called.
There was silence for a moment.
"Hello, Designation: Foxtrot," said a deep, robotic voice. "I am Simon. It is nice to meet you."
The Scorch rotated it's optics to look at her.
"Um, hi? Simon?" Fox said, unsure of how to respond.
B laughed.
"No need to be nervous, Fox. He's special, one of a kind. That's why him and Alpha are paired up. Well, that and..."
"And what?" Asked Fox, but Simon interrupted.
"Bravo, are you doing well today?"
"Yes Simon, I'm fine thank you."
"Foxtrot, what would you like me to call you?"
"Um, you can call me Fox."
"Understood. Thank you Fox."
"B, what were you saying about Alpha's Titan compatibility?"
B paused.
"If you wish to know about Squad Leader Alpha's unique condition, I believe I may be of some significant help." Simon interjected.
Fox was about to ask Simon about Alpha when he and Echo arrived in the hanger, the former giving her a single nod as a means of hello.
After them followed Three and Dee, apparently arguing about something based off Three's raised voice and tone.
"They're arguing about the best chassis again." Echo sighed as the pair walked closer.
"For god's sake, I though we were past this." B groaned.
"Hey Fox! Good to see you up!" Said Dee, smiling and giving the younger girl a hug after she'd spotted her.
"You're an idiot!" Three yelled after her, obviously not finished arguing.
Alpha interrupted with a flurry of hand gestures that Fox couldn't follow, but imagined were quite rude.
"Guys, break it up, ok? Three, I thought we agreed you would stop doing this. No Titan is better than any of the others."
"Except Tone." Echo whispered.
Three slowly turned to him.
"What. Did. You. Just. Say."
The look on her face would've sent the most seasoned IMC running for their lives.
"Anyway!" B interjected, trying to spare Echo who was very slowly edging his way behind Dee, who was smothering a laugh beneath her hand. "Where were you guys?"
"Mission briefing." Responded Dee. "We're due for an op. We have two weeks to prepare, which the higher ups figure is just enough to get these two fully ready for real combat. I'm not so sure, no offence." She glanced at Fox with the last comment.
"Two weeks? After just getting a new recruit? They have high expectations." B ran a hand through his short, brown hair. "But we'll get it done."
"Are you sure?" Said Fox, "How will we know when I'm ready?"
"That's the beauty of it newbie," said Three.
"You never do."

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