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The fragile glass windows exploded inwards showering the occupants and momentarily blinding them with shock. The back door was blasted off it hinges, crashing hard against the opposite wall shortly followed by the front door giving way to dark cloaked figures their identities obscured.

Andromeda was the first to pull herself together and grabbed her daughter Nymphadora, pushing the girl behind her using her own body as a shield, she watched helplessly as her husband Ted was backed into a corner. Her heart painfully hammering away in her chest as the intruders closed in on them, with her wand raised she bravely spoke "show yourselves, only a coward hides".

The fear gripped her heart like a snake coiling around its prey as a maniac cackle echoed off her destroyed kitchen walls. "I told you I would be back Annie". Andromeda's legs shook, she collapsed against her daughter, her wand cluttering to the tiled floor. Please Salazar don't let this be the end.

"I'll be holding on to this sister" one figure pounced forward and swept the abandoned wand from the floor. The sudden movement caused the hood to fall away revealing black jet curls framing the beautiful haunted face of Bellatrix Lestrange. "Miss me Annie?" She smirked eyeing her sister with a childish joy.

The space between Andromeda and Bellatrix felt suffocating to the middle Black sister, she was well and truly trapped. She could feel her daughter's shaky breath on the back of her neck, reaching an arm around her back she grasped her girls trembling hand. "Th.. This is between us Trixie. Just us not them" her grey eyes swimming with tears as her gaze landed on her husband who was struggling against the tight hold of his two captures.

Bellatrix coolly followed Andromeda's gaze, a childish grin appearing on her face "the mudblood that dared to defile my darling sister we meet again". Quickly losing interesting in the pathetic creature she turned her attention back on the squirming duo before her. "Be a dear Nymphie and throw me your wand or daddy dearest shall start squealing like a pig he is".

As if on cue Ted threw back his head and screamed as the sickening red curse of the cruciatus struck his body repeatedly. Andromeda squeezed her eyes shut tightly, willing the ear splitting noise to stop. That split second was all Bellatrix needed, using her death eater reflex's she roughly yanked Andromeda into her arms, effectively pinning the witch tightly against her chest.

"Tanner, Rowle grab the girl it's time to go" Bellatrix barked her orders "Dolohov be a dear and clean up the mess". Tightening her arm around her victims throat "say goodbye darling" the crazed death eater disapparated just in time to see the flames licking up the walls and burning the furniture to dust.


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