Chapter ONEEE

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Hewwo! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a LOOOOONG time! I have to deal w/ school again. YAY. And... I also kinda... Forgot...LOL


({Y/N}'s P.O.V)

 "(Y/N)! WAKE UP! " Screams my sister (S/N). (If you don't have a sister, make up a name OWO) I roll off my bed, landing on the cold, bare, floor. "OOF!" ( Roblox OOOOOF) "Are you ok?" Asks my friend /sister, Junko Enoshima. (Yes, from Danganronpa) "Yes" I reply, getting up. "Ok, good. Get dressed" she says handing me a uniform " (below)

I get dressed before putting my hair into a ponytail-schools rules-and heading downstairs

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I get dressed before putting my hair into a ponytail-schools rules-and heading downstairs. "Hurry! Let's go!" Says my sister ( S/N ). My dog Charlie jumps on me, making me remember that I didn't feed him. "HOLD ON!" I yell before quickly filling up my dog's bowl with food. "Okay baby! Be a good boy!" I say scratching behind his ears. He wags his tail in response. 

 "Ok, let's go" I say rushing out of the door, (S/N) and Junko close behind me. (Yes, one of them locked the door. Do. Not. Ask) we run into the school panting. "Are you girls ok?" Asks a tall man with a grey shirt on, and some jeans. " Yeah, we're fine, just rushing " I say. "Good, now go to your first class" he says with a monotone voice.

We quickly walk to our first class, and set are bags  down  before taking a seat. "Hello class!" Exclaims a tall, bald man, in a green shirt. "Welcome to math class! My name is Mr. Baldi! You can call me Mr. B for short though! " 'Very enthusiastic ' I think to myself before noticing the one small strand of brown hair on his head, I start to giggle. He turns to me and says, "what's so funny?" Causing my giggles to stop. "Oh, uh, I just like your plethora of enthusiasm!" I answer.

"Thank you!" He replies. I smile in response before he continues talking. 'This guys...Interesting' I think to myself. I hear Mr. Baldi's voice in the back of my head, and that's when I realize, i'm still in school. "You understand class?" asks Mr. Baldi. I nod my head after (S/N) and Junko answer with a "yes".

"Ok class, before we do that, why don't we introduce ourselves? You already know my name, so i'll tell you some things about me! I've been a teacher here for 13 years! And I've met 1,300 students in all those years! And, if you didn't already know, the principal is my brother!" (Go w/ it) he says. "Hmmm, you go next!" He says, pointing at me. "Tell us your name and three things about you!". 'CRAP! What am I going to say? Hi, my name is (Y/N). I hate myself, I want to die, and i'm Self conscious! Junko, you go next. I can't say that!' I sigh before standing up.

"Hello! My name is (Y/N)! I love and I mean love animals! I also rescued about twenty injured birds in my life, so far. I also love painting!" I say before sitting back down with a smile.


How did you like it so far? Tell me in the comments! Also sorry for bad grammar! I don't know when to use you're (because I'm dumb) so I always use your! So sorry! If that annoys you, can you tell me? And maybe explain to me, when I'm supposed to use you're? Thank you!

Word count: 604

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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