Chapter 2

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"Geez Coxon, why did that take so damn long? You weren't chatting with the prisoners, were you?" Smith asked. Graham turned red. "No, no, of course not... I.. uhmm... someone was being annoying." Smith rolled his eyes. "Was it Damon? That motherfucker is such a pain in the arse, he never listens." "No, it was..." Graham thought for a second, and then it hit him: this was the perfect moment of taking revenge on Eric. "...What's his name? Oh yeah, Eric." "Really? He never bothers guards, only other prisoners. You sure it was him?" Graham nodded. He decided not to tell him Eric did bother him during dinner, Smith probably already forgot about it and he felt like repeating the happening would make him seem weak. "Yeah, he's a tall, bald guy, right?" "Yes, that sounds like him. What exactly did he do?" "Well... uhmm... he... he called me COCK son and some other mean things, and when I told him to stop doing that he slapped me." Smith's eyes got big. "For real? That's bad, very bad. I'm gonna talk to him right now, I can't tolerate this." Smith walked away with quick steps. Graham sighed. Oh fuck, what had he done? Eric would try everything to make his life hell, no doubt. And Damon's life too. Damon... Graham thought he was kinda weird, but nice, although he had the feeling becoming friends with him was a really bad idea and would cause him a lot of trouble. On the other side, having a friend, especially in a place like this, could make things much better. But was it worth the trouble?

Damon was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling above him. He loved doing that. When he stared long enough, colours would start to appear and dance in front of his eyes. It reminded him of the effect drugs had on his brain. Drugs. He shivered. He'd sell his soul for a little bit of heroin. No, that's not true, heroin ruined his life. But he loved things that were bad for him, and his life was already ruined anyway. Shit, he felt the addiction kicking in, he had to distract himself as soon as possible. Think about something else... Graham. He was so happy he finally made a friend, even though he was a guard. Damon thought it was strange Graham was a guard, he didn't seem like that kind of person at all. Next time he was going to ask him why exactly he had chosen this profession. It seemed like a terrible job to him, who the fuck would want to spend all their time at a prison? "Damon, it's sports time," he heard Smith say from the other side of the door. Damon was the most stubborn prisoner in the building, the only one who could really handle him was Smith, that's why he always told him what to do. "I'm not coming, I'm staying here." "It's an obligated part of your day scheme." "Yesterday I didn't have to join either." "You said you had a stomach ache, so I let you stay here." "I still have a stomach ache." "Bullshit, you're coming with me right now." Damon didn't move. "Or else?" "Or else you have to spend the night in The Room." He swallowed. The Room was a very small and dark room, without any windows or lights. It was so small you couldn't even lay down. Damon was a bit claustrophobic and he hated The Room more than anything else in the world. "Okay, I'll come."

With reluctance Damon trudged to the sports field. He saw Eric pointing at him while whispering something in the ear of another man, obviously something about him. It was like high school all over again, back then he was probably the most hated kid around. The girls always loved him though, but nobody really talked to him, he just seemed to irritate a lot of people. Bullies used to put his head in the toilet, beat him up and write things on his forehead with permanent marker, things like "faggot" or "demon". He never understood why everyone hated him so much, he had to admit he was kinda annoying sometimes but not THAT annoying. It was probably his confidence and "I don't give a fuck" attitude that got him into trouble, and he never felt the need to fit in. He spent his lunch breaks in the music room, with his music teacher Mrs Frost. She taught him how to play the piano, guitar, write songs and sing. She always told him he was very talented, sometimes he felt guilty he didn't do anything with it and just wasted his entire life on sex, drugs and alcohol. What if she knew about him being in prison now? It had been in the newspapers, so there was a chance she had read it. She must be so disappointed. And his mum... He loved his mum more than anyone else in the world. He remembered her crying the first time she visited him in prison, the guilt he had felt back then was almost unbearable. "You're a very special and lovely boy, Damon. But this world is a cruel place, and people don't always want the best for you. Be careful who you give your heart to and listen to yourself, don't do stupid things only because others tell you to," was the advice she had given him when he moved out. He didn't listen to it, and look at him now. Thinking about all the people he had disappointed made him feel like a terrible human being. It felt like somebody stabbed a sharp knife through his heart, and now it couldn't stop bleeding. He sighed. What had he become?

A loud scream woke him up from his daydream. Or rather, daymare. "Are you gonna do something or what?" A guard he didn't know the name of shouted at him. He nodded. He saw the others running, so that was probably what he had to do too. He joined the group. The first few laps were kinda nice, it distracted him from his mind that never seemed to stop producing thoughts that made him feel like shit. The weather was great - not too hot, not too cold - and the sun was shining on his face. He closed his eyes, pretending that he was somewhere else. He imagined himself running through Primrose Hill, underneath the trees, happy. Living the good life. He opened his eyes again, back in reality, wondering what his life had look like if he had made different choices.

He began to feel tired now, his legs hurt and there was sweat all over his body. Luckily this was the last lap. "Hey faggot, haven't seen you here in a while." Of course Eric had to make a comment about him, he always did. "I had a stomach ache." Eric laughed in disbelief. "Yeah right, I bet you just were too busy jerking off to pictures of lads. Don't you think so, guys?" He looked at his mates, who all nodded, laughing. Damon knew it would be the best to ignore them, but for some reason he always felt the need to defend himself. "I'm not gay!" "You definitely are. I saw the way you looked at that terrible new jailer, you could see you wanted to suck his cock." Even though Damon knew it wasn't true, his cheeks turned red. He didn't know why exactly. "Go fuck yourself, Eric." Eric shrugged. "I'm just telling the truth, fag." Without thinking Damon stuck out his leg, causing Eric to stumble and fall right on his face. Damon kneeled down and punched the man on his nose, which immediately started bleeding. He was just about to give him another punch when someone grabbed him. "You're coming with me." It was Smith, who took him inside while holding his arms a little too tight. It hurt. They reached his cell, Smith pushed him inside and quickly closed the door. "Are you out of your mind?!" Damon kept his mouth shut and stared at one of his Africa posters. Smith sighed, rolling with his eyes. "I am so DONE with you, Albarn. If you could just listen for once and stop doing stupid shit all the time, everything would be a lot easier for both of us! But no, you always wanna be 'the rebel'. You annoy the shit out of me all the time and it's making me so damn tired! Anyway, I think you already know the consequences of the shitshow you just pulled out. You'll hear from me." He walked away, his footsteps echoing through the hallway. Damon grabbed his guitar and tried to write a song, but the inspiration didn't come and he felt like shit so he just went to sleep. Tired of everyone.

I?? Updated?? It's a year later and nobody is going to care for this story anyway, but I was bored and I really felt like writing again sooo yeah. I promise the next update won't take so long hehe. Also, this chapter is kinda boring because I had to built up the story a bit, next chapter will involve more Gramon! Hope you're enjoying it so far, X

PS: I know y'all want me to update "Sweet Song" but I don't really have inspiration for that one atm, might do it later. If you have any ideas for that story (or this one), let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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