Arthur Morgan Imagine.

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Arthur Morgan teaching you how to ride a horse for the first time would include:

° You loving horses but them not feeling the same. You can pat, stroke and feed them but actually getting on one? Heck no.

° Always being one of the gang that cares for the camps horses and talking to them.

° Watching with envy when members of the gang mount up and leave the camp on their horse.

° Arthur noticing and getting fed up, deciding it was time to face your fear.

° "You want me to actually ride your horse? What if he hates me and throws me off a cliff?"

° Arthur laughing at your dramatics.

° "Come on, woman I'll let ya ride with me, it's easy I promise. If we go off a cliff I'll be goin' with ya so let's go"

° You biting your lap staring at his hand that he's offering you.

° Finally plucking up the courage and letting Arthur help you mount up.

° You hating being so far from the ground and automatically panicking making Arthur lock his arms around you in an effort to calm you.

° "It's okay, girl there's nothin' to be afraid of. He won't go anywhere unless I tell him too, I swear"

° His voice low and gravelly in your ear making you blush and very grateful he can't see it.

° Arthur making sure he gets the go ahead from you to head out of camp on a slow walk.

° Arthur gently pushing you out of your comfort zone by urging his steed to go faster.

° Arthur pre warning you that they were about to gallop but you not being prepared enough and end up closing your eyes tightly.

° "Open your eyes, darlin'"

° Despite fearing for your life your eyes open of their own accord and you find yourself lost in the world passing by you.

° Damn him and his voice. Stupid sexy Morgan.

° Arthur letting you take the reigns on the way back despite your protests.

° "You'll be fine, I'm right here and there's no cliffs in sight"

° Finding the courage to take the reigns and urge the horse into a trot, Arthurs hands now gently resting upon your waist giving you something to focus on.

° Finally making it back to camp I  one piece and without any incidents only to get your foot caught in the stirrup as you were getting down and falling into Arthurs arms.

° "I always knew you'd fall for me one day"

° Blushing ridiculously hard as you compose yourself and murmur a thank you before rushing to your tent to die from embarrassment.

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