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I really cannot help myself. I hope this is not trash haha, as lately feeling a little depleted in my works. Please let me know what you think? :) and I would like to take the time to thank you all that follow my stories, that read them, and those who leave wonderful reviews, I cannot thank you enough!

Do not own, just my ideas and mistakes.


The Emcee wasn't one that would be caught partying, not at all as that really wasn't his scene to begin with. But as luck would have it, according to the rest of his fellow band mates he was better known as the more serious one in the band. Call him Mr. perfectionist, as he was the one member of the band that you would find who was not living on the edge, and from day dot it had always been like that for our favorite Emcee.

Mike couldn't remember a time in his lifetime, just recently he might add, where he had the confidence to let his hair down and simply to go out for the night, a night club that would be ridiculously over priced, where you find him drinking a little too much, dancing a little silly if he wanted to, and regret whatever decisions he would make from the night before, the next morning.

And as reluctant as Michael Shinoda was, who you would always find him hiding behind his worn out, leather bound notepad and dark, reading spectaculars, as his mind was already made up for the night, with no exception to join the other band members tonight, as they were heading out to celebrate the end of the long tour for another year.

Tomorrow they all would be flying back to Los Angeles to their respected homes, and Mike the workaholic that he was, was already working over the next lot of notes that he had been working on for the past few days on potential new material, for their next album.

He really couldn't help himself, and even if he did try to force himself to go out, nothing could ever fill the void that Anna had left him. As it was empty and he felt numb, once Anna who now was his ex wife had just left him days before the summer tour. Since then on out he had been burying himself more and more in his work, and would only speak to the other band members if spoken to.

He knew he was acting irrational, trying to escape the problems by burying himself in his work, and possibly the solution for his problems was to go out and to live a little, and simply enjoy the company of his fellow band members, who had been doing everything in their power to convince the Emcee come out with them tonight.

But as his deep, twisting thoughts would only lead him to his next world of his own problems, he would let it sink further into his mind, as he would then scribble the words out with his blunt pencil, before blowing at the tip of it incase there was any residue that Mike would find stuck on the tip of his led pencil. He really tried to make an effort to get their mind off of them, but really he couldn't, even through the lyric writing and going over the prerecorded cords on his guitar, that he really couldn't stop the racing thoughts whenever his mind would cross over to Brad and Chester.

He knew as of late he had been obsessing over the two band members. As he couldn't quite put his finger on it at first. But as the days went on, and days would roll over into months, he would find himself standing in the background, watching painfully as his best friend's relationship would blossom beautifully with the one man that had Mike questioning about his sexuality since the first time he had laid eyes on him.

He knew that he was way over his head to ever think he would ever have a shot with the Chester Bennington. And so it seems, Brad was the lucky one that was able to snag the lead singer for himself once they began dating.

So hiding away in his hotel room now, he would try to put all thoughts aside from the happy couple, and the other band members now which they were all off on their own, having fun as they would celebrate tonight, and as predictable Mike had subjected himself to the confinement's of another hotel room on the road, giving himself strict orders to stay locked away until tomorrow.

Caught Up in Between((BENNODA/BRAZ/DELNODA))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora