Wanted: One Stolen Heart. It's A Little Torn But It Still Works.

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† † † † † Dahvie P.O.V.† † † † † 

Vanity and I drove to a corner store, she said my sister would meet us there. Why hadn't I been told about her? Where has she been? How did she find out? A bunch of questions swam through my head as she turned a corner. I can't wait to see her, I hope nothing bad has happened to her.Vanity parked and I scanned the lot for people.

"She has white hair dip dyed red. That should be enough. Her name is Eva." Vanity said and I immediately saw her. Eva.

I got out of the car and slowly walked to her. She looked at me with a mixture shock and excitement. I smiled back and ran over to her, hugging her. I hugged her tightly but gentle at the same time.

"Eva!" I exclaimed.

"I can't believe you're really here!" She said happily, hugging me back.

"Well I'm here, in the flesh." I said.

"Forgive me but I don't know your name..." She trailed off awkwardly.

"Don't be sorry, my name is David but I go by Dahvie." I said.

"Dahvie.....I like that name." She said and I let go but I had my arm around her shoulders.

"Come on, Vanity is waiting. Front seat or back?" I asked and she looked up at me,smiling.

"It doesn't matter to me." She said and I nodded.

"We're both sitting in the back then."  I said.

† † † † † Neon P.O.V. † † † † † 

 "You look so HORRIBLE!" I shouted at Andy.

They had all gotten up and we were all currently sitting down in the living room. I was the only one on the floor and I was the only one randomly tumbling and rolling about. Add a little SPICE IN YOUR LIFE! Except for hot sauce, don't add that; It might burn...

"Thanks, I feel much better now. Thanks for the confidence boost." Andy said sarcastically as I stopped a tumble perfectly at his feet.

"Noooooooo I mean like you need to go devour your kitchen." I said.

"But-" He started.

"Just like I devoured your unborn child." I said, making a OUO face.

"What?" He said, slightly shocked with a O.O face.

"Nothing." I said and he nodded.

Al-Alright." He siad with a OvO" face.

I giggled and clung onto his leg. "Go eeaaaatttt." I complained.

"Noooooo I'm not hungryyyy." He whined back.

"LIES!" I said, screeched and slapped him.

"Owie." He said and rubbed his cheek. "Meanie....Fine." He said and got up to leave.

I continued to cling onto his leg like a little five year old. He tried to shake me off but it didn't work quite well. In the end I just ended up being dragged along with him. I giggled as I got dragged forward, get halted to a stop, then hauled forward again. WhEEEEEE THIS IS FUUUUUN! I giggled again.

† † † † † Dahvie P.O.V.† † † † † 

Eva and I sat on the couch, catching up on life. I had told her my life story and now it was her turn. She told me everything from beginning to end; she told me the good and the bad. She told me about her parents, her adoptive mother, everything. It made me pissed as hell but I was happy knowing she was safe. When she got done I hugged her tightly, yet gently, and rubbed her back. I heard her sniff and I immediately felt worse for her.

"It's okay now, you're okay. You're safe now and no matter what as long as I'm alive nobody will do a thing like that ever again." I promised her.

"Thanks, Dahvie, that really means a lot. I just want to get better and focus on the future." She said and I smiled and nodded.

"That's wonderful," I said and pulled out of the hug but my hands remained on her shoulders. "Stay here as long as you want or need. Hell stay here forever for all I care, just be safe." I said, smiling.

"Thanks, Dahvie, I promise to be out of your hair soon-" She started but I stopped her.

"Ah-ah-ah, none of that. You're no trouble and you staying here is absolutely no problem. I don't want to hear that." I told her and she laughed slightly and nodded.

"Yes, sir." She said, making me laugh.

"Oh shut up, let's show you to your room." I said and got up.

She got up off the couch as well and followed me to her room. We have hella spare bedrooms so it's no problem giving her one. The doors have names on them so nobody opens up the wrong door ever again...Wasn't that an embarrassing memory. 'Jayy', 'Dahvie', 'Vanity', 'Lyric' ugh I gotta paint over that name. I found a bedroom between a bathroom and another spare that was comfy cozy. This should do nicely. I opened the door and let her walk in first, I hears a small gasp.

"Woah...This is way bigger than my old room." She said and I smiled.

"Well this isn't your old house." I said smirking and she chuckled.

"Very true there, son." She said.

"It's kinda white but I prefer everybody to set up their own bedrooms to their own liking. There's paint in the Paint Room if you need any and random shit in the basement." I said and she smiled and nodded.

"Hahaha alright, this is going to be fun." She said and I smiled when I saw the huge grin on her face.

"Well I'll just leave you to it. The doors have labels on them to do an....Incident so it should be easy. I'll leave DaVinci to the Mona Lisa." I said and left.

I chuckled a bit as I walked down the hall; she's going to have so much fun with this.

† † † † † Eva P.O.V.† † † † † 

I smiled, knowing this room would never look the same again. I quickly took out my sketch book and quickly drew out some plans. I have the perfect idea for this bedroom; It's going to be loud, unique and different. It's going to express who I am and where I belong. These white walls will be filled with color, this bland room shall be covered with excitement and wonder. It's going to be beautiful and it'll be perfect. 

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Hey guys, sorry this update is so short. I'm on my friends computer right now and it's 2:44 AM XD I prooooomiiise to have another update out soon, I don't like the way I ended this either. Talk to you very soon! Meantime, enjoy this perfect 5SOS thing XD Goodbye! ~ <3

Death To Your Heart ~A Blood On The Dance Floor Fan-Fiction~Where stories live. Discover now