Not a Whips and Chains Girl

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I am not a Whips and Chains girl. All dressed in Black with stilettos and studs Girl. I don't want to be in the dark but the light. Where the sun shines and the birds sing.

I love Freedom instead of Bondage. Freedom to explore your body as you explore mine.

Instead of a dark stale room. I will run to the beach. I will run and you will catch me. There will be Life and Laughter instead of Safe words and Smoke Stench.

So you're telling me I am boring and Vanilla?

Vanilla is Sweet. It is like nectar dripping down my neck and glistening down my body. Inviting you for a taste.

The truth is that I am not Vanilla I am Mango with a twist of coconut.

Gourmet dining instead of McDonald's. You don't get to devour me and then spit me out but I feed you choice morsels of myself that have you desiring for more. My delicacies taste exotic and you savor them in your mouth. 

I am not a Whips and Chains Girl

Wild and Rough.

I am soft and  gentle. Unlock my chains! Set me free. I am like a butterfly flying free, you stretch out your hand so I can come sit on it. You are gentle and are awestruck by my beauty and grace.

You want to caress me and bring me to the enchanted garden where Butterflies sparkle.

Instead of coldness and shallow salaciousness there in warmth of the Sun.  Dive Deep with me in the Sensual Sea.  In exchange for handcuffs and locks there is French kissing under the Ocean's water.  

Bring me out of the dark! And into the light! Where there is sweet scents of alouring flowers hypnotizing for love.

 My body is filled with desire. All my senses are awakened and tingle by the soft sensual touches and the sweet kisses on my neck. Come!  It's time to explore the butterfly garden and all the deep adventures and mysteries it beholds.

Be delighted to unwrap the alluring  gift. Unwrap me slowly and meditate on each unveiling. See my body as a temple to adore. 

Let us bask in the sun, feeling completely reneregized and charged! Let us not be in the dark, where there is no color, or sweetness  but only Shades of Gray....

I am not A Whips and Chains Girl 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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