The party pt 1

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           Princess Bianca

I had kind of dozed off when I opened my eyes, it was 8:20pm "fudge". I cursed under my breath. I ran into the bathroom and took a shower.

Twenty mins later

I got out of the shower, drying off as fast as I can, I started with my makeup, I did a blue smoky eye kinda look, I put my hair into a braided bun. I looked at the clock. It was 9pm.

I heard the doorbell.

"George?" I called down to the Butler.

"Yes, Princess Bianca."

"Get the door, and tell Lelah I'll be down in five minutes."

"Yes princess."

I hurried up and lotioned myself up. I put on my royal blue dress, sprayed my Chanel, put on my accessories, grabbed my clutch, and walked downstairs.

"Look at you princess," Lelah jokingly said.

I chuckled a little and lightly pushed her on the shoulder. "Shut up girl!"

"You look hot Bianca. Jesus if wasn't into men I'll do you I mean, wow really hot girl. You might just get that virginity of yours popped tonight," she laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "girl!! The only man that be popping anything over here will be my husband."

It's not like I haven't played with myself before. I own a vibrator, for god's sake, but I wouldn't tell her that she thinks I need a man just like my mother, but I don't think I'm good.

"Girl, whatever husband, or no husband, you need to pop that cherry, what if your husband sucks in bed?"

"Well? Good thing I won't be experienced then, won't it?" I laughed.

"Well, I guess you have a point. Are you ready?"

"I was born ready!"

"Oh! Shoot, I forgot something, Lelah, I'll be right back. I need to go and check on my mother."

I went to the east wing of the castle to check on her.

I knocked on her door. There was no answer. I put my ear to the door, and I heard music and filling her room. I cracked the door, her and Celia were dancing, drinking, and laughing together.

I shut the door, and I walked back to the door where Lelah was waiting for me.

I walked up to her, "come on let's go." i pointed my finger to the door, then I walked outside I took a deep breath. This is what I needed, I told myself. I got in the car and off we went.

We pulled up on this boat where her friend Jessica was waiting for us. We got out of the car and walked up to her and I hugged her.

"Hey, Jessica girl?" How are you

"Girl, I'm so good, how are you?"

"I'm OK, I'm sure you know about my father?"

"Oh yes girl, my father too, so let's just enjoy our selfs."

"Yes, let's do that." Where's your boyfriend?"

"We are actually meeting him there."


As I walked on the boat, to my surprise, our friends were there.

"Hey princess, over here!" Melissa said.

I laughed, "why do you call me that?" I shook my head, I met all my friends in grammar school.

"Bianca, you know I have to give you some shit, my future Queen."

"Ah! Ah! Very funny." " Where is Nivea?"

"I believe she went to the little girls' room?"


I looked around and saw our other good friend.

"Destiny!" I called out her name.

"Bianca girl, where have you been?"

As she kissed my cheek, "I am here, you're the one missing in action, but what have you been up to?" I replied.

"Girl, I have a story to tell. How about we get together someday this week and catch up, but for now, this is for you."

She handed me a shot, I took it back , and I cringed, because it was so strong, she handed me another one, and then another. I started to feel real good. I closed my eyes and breathed in the night air and let the wind blow in my face.
The boat was beautiful. It lit up the ocean water with its bright light changing from blue, pink, yellow and green, and the music blasting all round us. The vibe is perfect. my mind felt free I was not thinking about my father is at war or how my brother locked himself up in the room or the hurt look in my mother's eyes.
It felt good to be surrounded by people I care about. Destiny gave me two more shots. I started losing myself in the music everyone around me was dancing to.
Nivea walked up to us, pulled out a Rollie, and handed it to me, "Yes, light that shit up!" Destiny said.

"Do you have a lighter?" she asked.

"Let me check my purse." I looked inside my purse. What do you know a freaking lighter? I put the rollie to my lips, and lit it up .

We were smoking and laughing dancing I don't remember how long we were on the boat, but when we looked up we saw the spookiest and creepest castle I have ever seen. It creeped the hell out of me! I turned to Lelah, "This is where the royal party is being held?"

She smiles, and nodded her head, "Yep she said popping the p, but it just looks like that on the outside, but on the inside it's fucking gorgeous!"

How do you know? I turned around to look at her. I pointed to the castle. Have you been in there? I said with wide eyes.

Yes, silly they have parties here all the time. The owner doesn't show his face, and it gets pretty wild in there. I mean the x-rated type of things going on, but it'll be fine. We are going to let our hair down. She grabs some more shots and handed each one of us one. She put her shot in the air, and we followed along. She looked at us and said," to a great night we repeated, and we drank the shots

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