A Restless Night

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Love is quite a fickle emotion, sometimes coming in bursts and waves that are overwhelming. Other times, so dormant and nonexistent, it becomes questionable if one was ever in love in the first place.


6 A.M.

The digital clock blared out the numbers in a bright red, almost blinding any who were unfortunate enough to lay their eyes on it.

Sakata laid on his side, his head resting rather heavily on his, now numb, arm. He had finally managed to fall asleep around midnight, but was constantly awoken at every hour. It was ironic, considering that he was usually a rather heavy sleeper, his guttural snoring infamous for being louder than a construction site. By 5 A.M., he had decided it was probably better to just stay awake, though the situation was just as uncomfortable as being awoken at every hour interval. The bed he was sleeping on was rather small, and he only had a slimmer of space to just barely lie on, leading to his current, very painful position.

Though, truthfully speaking, that wasn't the reason for his discomfort.

The crimson-haired man softly turned his body to face the other side of the bed, being careful to make no sound. Through the small slits of the window's curtains, the soft light of the early dawn morning illuminated a small figure sleeping soundly at his side.

"Ura-san?..." Sakata whispered, almost as quiet as the constant, faint static buzzing that reverberated throughout the room. Realizing the man was still sound asleep, the pair of bright red eyes continued to trail along his softly illuminated outline. Despite only seeing his backside, Sakata felt his concentration quickly becoming absorbed onto the man. In the gentle dawn light, Urata's appearance seemed to change almost drastically. His auburn hair glowed in an almost silver under the lighting, giving the man an almost mystical presence. Urata always curled up slightly into a ball in his sleep, presenting a rather subtle, vulnerable side of him not many get to see, or even take notice of. The usually loud and sarcastic man was now making no more noise than the soft breathing of his sleep, intertwining harmoniously with the droning of the static-buzz of the room. His broad shoulders seemed so much smaller in the soft light than when they were surrounded by the bright light of day.
Under the cover of daylight, Urata usually seems so much bigger than his appearance would let him be, making it hard for a lot of people to believe that such a man only barely reaches a little over 5 feet. But, in the silence of dawn, the man's tough cover disappeared, showing how truly vulnerable and fragile the man was.

Sakata suddenly felt his face heat up slightly, coming to the realization that he's been staring so intently on the other man for so long. His heart began to beat rapidly, leaving him feeling uncomfortable and nervous.

Why am I getting so embarrassed? Sakata wondered, as he attempted to calm his sudden flustered emotions.

Then again, staring at your friend's body for almost 10 minutes straight while they're sleeping is pretty weird.

The man let out an a long, quiet sigh.

How did we even end up sleeping together? He asked himself, though clearly knowing the answer. He began to vaguely recount the events prior to the current situation as an attempt to distract himself.

The latest live event was held just the day before and everyone was invited to an after-party celebrating the tour finale. Spending a rather good time chatting and eating with old and newfound friends, the day quickly became night. It eventually came to the point where it was far too late to take a train back home, nor did Sakata even have the energy to do so. Since both Urata and Sakata lived in Tokyo, which was more than 5 hours from their current location, they both decided to book a hotel room for the night. Since neither brought much money with them to the event, they decided to share a room, seeing as they could split the cost. It was a significantly cheaper alternative than paying for separate rooms which is always a plus.

Fickle Love (urasaka/sakaura)Where stories live. Discover now