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It was an eerie night that night. The night that changed everything. The night Bin Yameen was killed, it was the first of many. No one saw it coming, not the Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheist, Hindus or Sikhs. Not at all.

And now its happening. Everything is going worng. People are killing, people are dying. There is a high chance if you don't do something about it, you will too.

There are people out there who are ruining our name, and we are sitting back letting it happen in shame, blinded by what an idea of a peaceful community is.

I did this too, until it happened and now my life is about to change, its too hard for me to write this strictly speaking in first person but to get a view of what's happening in my world, I wrote it in third.

Don't sit back and enjoy this story because this story is not all about romance, its not all a happy ending. This story is the real world and people better get used to it fast because you are about to go on a rollercoaster journey of my world, if you take the time to know it.

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