Chapter 2

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They had been halfway through there journey and it was only day 2 but all the marines were internally dying.

The Admirals did not give them an easy life. Everyone had to battle without waking Akane, and Aokoji otherwise they'd beat up and attempt to throw the idiots who woke them up over board. At one point Akane threw a Canon ball like Garp and sunk an enemy ship because they woke her.

Sakazuki would just constantly melt all the metal he touched so they got out the old cast iron he couldn't melt but did get stupidly hot. And Kizaru would just read books.

The marines did everything they Admirals said no matter how obnoxious and all tried to stay out their way.

When they reached Alibasta, everyone got ready while i got into some suitable clothes. It was a tube top with a matching mini skirt. And white doll shoes.

I ran off to the bar as everyone gawked and had nose bleeds

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I ran off to the bar as everyone gawked and had nose bleeds.

As i approached i saw the end of a commotion and smoker began chasing them.

Ace and luffy.

I ran after them and stopped smoker as ace had stopped him giving them seconds and then ran after them myself and using my leg strength pushed myself into the air and off the dock.
I got onto the straw hat ship by a few inched when i landed with my feet on their rail.

"Oh hell that was close. I'm glad you and Ace are fine."
"Shishishi! Who are you?"
"Marine Admiral Akane Evergarden. I'm not an enemy. I owe Garp. I swore id save his family no matter what."
"Grandpa Garp! Shishishi!"
"Nice crew you got. I know all of you. At least your parents. I even owe your family depts. Bellamire, Garp, The crazy dr from drum kingdom and Yasopp."
"You. Know everyone! Your red hair reminds me of shanks."
"You know my younger br- ah now i understand why i recognised the hat. My brother must see something special in you."

Everyone looked at me and thoroughly began to examine me.
"Shanks is my younger brother."
"But shanks is 37!"
"Yes. And I'm 42!?"
"Akane~swan you look so young and beautiful."
"Thanks Vinsmoke."

Oh yes he ran away how silly my you he slipped.
"Thanks Sanji. But I'm very old. I'm only a fee year off of Garp."
"Grandpa said he once found a slight younger girl. So that's you?"
"One and only. I should probably leave. But fill ace in. Here's my den mushi number. Call it if you need help. And no matter what, even if i have to betray the marines, i will save you, your family. Cause your My family. I should go my ship has 3 other Admirals who will stalk me to the ends of the planet. Bye little luffy and co. "

I jumped and landed on a sea kings head and i made it take me to my stalkers. Who were chasing especially smoker who was literally and figuratively fuming.

"He's family. I never denied that i would choose family and pirates over marines. Like i say. I'm in it for the benefits."
"Do your alive."
"Its a bloody shame they didn't kill her."
"You would miss me and you know it. And you both love me. Your boners earlier told me all. And smoker. You four at least made me laugh. 42 and still got it!"
"So. It was a very flashy woman and we are men!"
"Im a sex deprived woman. Shall i bang anyone sexy i meet?"
"But men can?"
"Cause we cant have kids inside us hindering our jobs as marines."
"I already had one kid. Anyway some devil fruit user killed any chance of me having anymore children. Next valid reason?"
"Let her do as she wants. She does anyway."
"I met little luffy! He's grown since he was a child! I remember him, sabo, and ace. I also remember the funeral... They forgot me but oh well!!!"

I lock held the three admirals head together and ruffled their hair.
"Let's have some fun. Shall we say the good old game of..."
"Doge or die?"
"On the ship!!"
"No.... What... about... jump... or... cripple."
"No i remembered last time. Sengoku killed us."
"Freeze, burn, light, punch?"
"Nah. For once not one of our seriously hurt each other games. How about..."
"Kiss or miss?"
"Noooo. Last time i got kissed by a rookie. It was weird. Something more like..."
"Truth... or... dare."
"We've known each other for nearly 20years and been marines for 15. I'm not sure there's much more to learn."
"Then What!! I want to do dodge or die."
"You killed 12 rookies and injured 2 vice-admirals. I'm surprised you didn't lose your rank."
"True... But what?"
"How about. The punisher. Two truths one lie. Together you choose which is the lie. If your right the liar takes a punishment. If you pick a truth we take a punishment."
"What punishment?"
"The... Winner... S... Choose...?"

We had smoker play and it was just us 4 as everyone was so scared to challenge admirals in a game.
"I... Can... Talk... Fast.
I... Have... A... Girl...friend...."
"Its two truths one lie. Not 2lies."
"He has a girl! Its a lie!"
"He cant talk fast!"
"Hes not gay!"
"He is gay, he can talk fast. He hasn't got a gf!"
"... No... ones... going... to... agree... Are they..."
"The losers have to take the punishment. Change it then. If someone picks the lie, then you still have to have a punishment. But who every picks a truth does to."

Everyone agreed.
"Akane is correct."

He spoke quickly and everyone froze for a moment processing it.
"He's just dramatic. And I've known he's gay for a long time. Although he says gay he's more Bi."

"I see the other Admirals as Family. I personally knew roger. I have had true love."
"Roger. No way. We would have been around... 20 something? Ok maybe but i don't believe so. We were marines at that time."
"I agree."
"No... She... Doesn't... Know... Kids... Dad... Not... True... Love."
"She had to love a man to have a kid. Right? I doubt she knew roger."
"Kizaru was right actually. I've never been in love. I don't think so anyway. But shanks was on Rogers crew so i met him a few times. Nice man. Rayleigh was pretty awesome himself."
"Of course... I guess i can go... I never smoke less than two cigarettes at a time, I'm a virgin, i will never eat sea king meat."
"Smoker i think we can all agree you are definitely not a virgin."
"Actually i do believe i heard from a marine he refuses to eat sea king meat even when that is all there is."
"I agree with Aokoji."
"Same... Aokoji."
" Akane is correct actually. I refuse to eat sea king. It revolts me."
"I don't want to play this stupid fucking game. What else can we do?"
"4 Admirals bored to death."
"I'm going to ride a sea king. This boat is whats boring."

They watched as i ran of the side and a sea king family. The largest sea king there is, was underneath my feet as i gently petted its head.
"Good Girl Nessie."
"You've named that hideous beast!?"
"SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! And yes. She's my pet. She follows me everywhere. Just deep enough no one notices. She's been with me since my memory starts."
"I don't understand what memory?"
"My earliest memory i guess. It must have been 20 something years now. So 3 years before i met the Admirals for the marine training."

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