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Lexis, the girl of my dreams. Shes the type of girl you can only imagine of meeting in your life, just everything  about her to her smile how it can change your mood from tired and worn out to making you feel like you could do anything. Don't even get me started on her eyes when I first meet lexis on Jan. 26 at 5:34pm I was speechless ,better yet when I saw her I had no clue as into what say or do i blown away from her beauty. Once we had taken are seat at the theater I looked over and saw her eyes staring at me and I couldn't help my self but stare back. And in those few moments of gazing into her eyes I had felt the same feeling I felt when I saw her picture online it's that feeling you cant describe or understand what it truly is other than that you know its something good and you never wanna lose that feeling.

Later down the road after a few more amazing dates with her I ended up asking her out officially. But one thing still bothered and still bothers me to this day. The feeling I get when I look at her think of her or even hear her name, the feeling it consumes me and after that I cant stop think of her and the feeling I get when I'm around her.

As the days go on the way feel for lexis intensify. I dont wanna leave her side I wanna make sure shes happy and give her everything that she deserves and desires.

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