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As time went on began to have more feeling for her and I loved her. I had thought about for hours that day about trying to say it. But I couldn't figure out how or I would talk my self out of it. Later that night I went to her house and she knew instantly that somthing was  up and she asked what was wrong. I told her idk how to tell her what I wanted to say without feeling like I was rushing into things. Eventually I calmed down and just said it that I loved her and she replied with "i love you". I was so happy that she had felt the same way and I could get that off my chest.

As time went on and  we got more comfortable with each other. We would stay up late and just look into each others eyes and I still could never get rid of that feeling I first got when I saw her. And at that moment I knew  that i couldn't screw things up this girl because I don't know how to describe that feeling I just know it was good and couldn't lose it.

Then one day she had asked me why I love her and I wanted to tell her why but I just couldn't not because I didn't or anything like yeah i could say the typical stuff like. I love that fact that we can connect on such a high level we think the same way and act the same way and all sorts of stuff along those lines. But I couldn't truly tell her why I loved her because  I just couldn't figure out how to describe the feeling i had for her nor could i explain to her.

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