Tilted odds

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While talking to Calvin they discussed where to go next, they decided to go to Tilted towers. When they pulled up they were immediately shot at and they made a sharp turn and flipped. They got out and crawled to not be spotted, when they found a building they went inside and found it hadn't been raided. They found a chest and found a few pulse grenades then BANG, a gunshot, they whip around and find an open window with a man on another roof aiming in with a sniper. In a panic Calvin shoots and knocks him out and hes gone "Whew that was close let's hope the-" Calvin stopped when he heard about explosion and then the building was disappearing around them they both pulled out shotguns and when they fell they landed behind a green haired candy covered woman and then shot her and then she was gone. Then they heard a man yell "Haha I got you now!" In an extremely annoying voice which sounded like a kid but was obviously an adult.

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