Chapter II

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The next morning

I couldn't remember a lot from the night before. My head was pounding and I felt awfully sick. I rushed to the toilet and spilled the remains of everything I consumed in the toilet bowl. What did I do last night?! I thought. "Drank too much?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw no other then...


"What are you doing here?!" I asked, with an annoyed tone. "You never kicked me out... And I still have the keys." He said, with a lot of confidence and a smirk on his face that drove me insane. "Give me the keys of my apartment back now." I demanded. "First up, I need you to do something for me so I can give you your keys." He growled in my ear. "NEVER hang out with that drummer boy ever again." I just stared at him in shock. "Wh-what?" I muttered. "Yeah, you heard me. He looks at you in such a way... I could not let me beautiful princess hang out with such a player" sam whispered as he grabbed my jaw. "Look who's talking! Maybe you could've still felt the same way about me if you didn't have such an ugly personality. Maybe YOU could look at me the same way Roger does. And you heard me, it's not drummer boy, it's Roger. Plus, he is my friend, something I wouldn't consider you EVER again. Maybe you are just jealous. How could a person be so pathetic..." I raised my voice at him. "Now give me my keys back and get out, before I call the police!" I yelled, pushing him back. He looked at me with slight fear before he handed me the keys. "Look Em, I'm sorr-" "Oh, save me your bullshit, I'm not in the mood for meaningless apologies"

And with that he was gone.

Later that afternoon

The living room was filled with the ringing noise of my phone. I grabbed it off the hook and curled the cord around my fingers, putting the device up to my ear.

"Hello?" A sweet voice echoed.

"Hi, Rog! How are you?" I asked, as I felt joy surround me. I loved his accent and his slightly raspy voice, but most of all, I enjoyed him. "Emily, could we meet at around 7 o' clock? I really need to have a chat. Maybe we could go out to get some food at a diner or something." He spoke, with slight shyness in his voice. "Sounds amazing, Rog. I really needed to get out of the house. See you at 7" "Perfect, see you at 7".

I couldn't believe it! Is this a date that we're going on or are we just hanging out as friends... Surely he doesn't like me, and I'm sure I don't like him either. Well if I think about it...? Every time he talks I just admire how his lips part so beautifully and how his eyes sparkle. His laugh and his smile drive me crazy... Okay, I'll admit it. I DO like him.


I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was 6:59. I was ready for the "date" with Roger. I decided to wear a pair of bell bottom orange pants and a back, lacey top. I paired the whole look with my platform black boots and a leather jacket, then curled my hear into loose waves that draped over my shoulders.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to reveal a flustered drummer with a bouquet of lovely daisies. "Rog, you really didn't need to bring me flowers." I said sincerely, while pulling him into tight hug. "But I think they are lovely." I added, with a smile on my face. "You look really nice tonight, Em" he said, looking me up and down. "Why thank you, you look quite nice yourself" I said, with a slight posh accent. "Let's get going, then" he blushed.

While we were walking to the little diner, I couldn't help myself but look at him. How his hair was softly blown by the wind, his eyes sparkling with joy and his pink lips slightly parted. We were the only ones walking on the sidewalk on that very evening, so I leaned in closer and snuggled myself into Roger's side.

I could tell we were going to have a nice time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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