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31 june 2019
Nothing is but stale and motionless
Thoughts, utterly emotionless
Minds in disarray
Tears synthetic
Stilted conversations, parasympathetic
Eyes averted, firing munition
Heartaches, decline of cognition

The vacant head of a hard-hearted hater of love
So vacant but shouldn't be disregarded
For the silent mind seeks the sharpest of thought
Vacant minds are blank canvases
Thoughts feel like applying paint with a sharp palette knife
So sharp it could cut the canvas tarp

But I'm the one who gets to decide
Whether or not I'll stay hard bitten and callous
Whether or not I'll have my diabolical other self choke on the wine in his chalice
But I'm gonna be the only king in this palace
Talus, a broken sternum, a broken heart
Imbalance over-current flow, bearing malice
Towards everything, feeling my bones throb with electricity
Panophobia but it's an evil mind.

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